6 January 2006, 5:50 PM
Rebel Wrote:It's not really my place, but 3 supermods seems a tad overkill for such a small forum. We all know Lynk is busy so 2 would sound reasonable at this time, but I'm not gonna say you should revoke their positions, just take plenty of time in promoting any more.
Well think of it this way, we can't ALL be here 24/7 and it's silly to make them regular mods in such a small forum. Sithy is our head supermod, other than myself Sithy is the one with the most modding experience in this place. And you all know from last time that Blue and Darky were the supermods for the last forum.
The reason we have 3 supermods is because of timezones. Sithy is in the US, Blue is in the UK, Darky is in Australia. And myself, I'm in Australia too but damn am I busy trying to get the site in order...
You'll all see why it's useful to have 3 going once I'm off to Fiji for a couple of weeks.
You've read it! You can't unread it!