5 July 2008, 10:49 PM
The question now is when will these series that Funi has licensed will be released? Most particularly series such as Kanon and Welcome to NHK where they only have one or a few more volumes left. The smart move would be to pick up where ADV and Geneon left off rather than releasing the singles all over again or the series as a whole boxset, a lot of fans who were buying Kanon and the other series would surely not be happy if they started at the beginning leaving them to wait 6+ months just to get the final volume.
On a plus side, Geneon USA isn't quite as dead as we thought it was. They're still in charge of the manufacturing and dubbing of the animes while Funi is just in charge of the distribution although they do own everything of Geneon has done from the deal. I'm more curious to see how ADV will fare after this since they've lost their partnership with Sojitz that was in charge of getting them the licenses to many anime series.
On a plus side, Geneon USA isn't quite as dead as we thought it was. They're still in charge of the manufacturing and dubbing of the animes while Funi is just in charge of the distribution although they do own everything of Geneon has done from the deal. I'm more curious to see how ADV will fare after this since they've lost their partnership with Sojitz that was in charge of getting them the licenses to many anime series.