11 May 2008, 3:34 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:Yeah, it feels great to finish a challenging game. I felt the same way after finishing Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. That games throws a lot of seemingly impossible challenges at you. In some cases you're going against something like 100 enemy units when you only have maybe 17 units on your team lol. Some people call them game impossibly hard, but of course, it isn't. I mean, it IS a Tactical RPG... you gotta make it hard to actually use some tactics so you can finish the level... and if you're good enough, finish with all of your units alive XD
And that's just normal mode lol. Hard mode gets even more interesting XD
That sounds like my experience with FFXII: Revenant Wings, haha. It was my first RTS RPG so it was a bit of a mindblower...still haven't gotten up the gumption to go back and finish it yet, either, stuck on the final fight there >_> I can *definitely* understand what people like about the genre, though.