11 May 2008, 3:08 AM
Finally took Henry down on Bitter...1065 hits! XD Almost lost because of some failed blade lock breaks (my elbow was/is sore) but I pulled it out. I love that in the initial Henry cutscene (Letz Shake) he asks Travis to "dance with [him]" and in the final fight he makes fun of your "swordsmanship" unless you can do surprise dodges around his spinning attack...I don't think he made fun of me once this last time after I learned how to dance so well 0=D
I don't think I've ever felt so rewarded by a boss fight before...I certainly honed my skills and what seemed like a button masher at the start (as NMH is most definitely on Sweet) has some serious elegance and grace to it if you come to learn what you are doing. I'm insanely impressed...less with myself than with the game, if that makes sense. I went from thinking I wasted money owning it (a few short hours in) to having this game be one of my favorites all-time. Truly a wonderful experience. I *really* wish I could recommend it to my more casual-gaming friends but I guess that's the drawback to gamer's games.
I don't think I've ever felt so rewarded by a boss fight before...I certainly honed my skills and what seemed like a button masher at the start (as NMH is most definitely on Sweet) has some serious elegance and grace to it if you come to learn what you are doing. I'm insanely impressed...less with myself than with the game, if that makes sense. I went from thinking I wasted money owning it (a few short hours in) to having this game be one of my favorites all-time. Truly a wonderful experience. I *really* wish I could recommend it to my more casual-gaming friends but I guess that's the drawback to gamer's games.