17 March 2008, 11:15 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:The reason people find official subs to be inferior is because the people who make them treat them like every other foreign media which needs to be subbed. With that in mind they translate everything into English terms while fansubs pick and choose what they want to translate and what they want to keep in its own Japanese context.But whats the point in doing it that way? To stay on the Haruhi example, in the DVD they say "future man" but in the fansub they say time traveler. Which sounds better (and don't say future man lol)?
Lynk Former Wrote:And don't make it sound as if fansubs are golden pieces of work where the people who translate them are gods of translating because they aren't. I've seen A LOT of errors in fansubs, not just to do with names but to do with contextual information as well. And yes, I know the quality of fansubs does vary between groups, but let's just get FACTS out there okay? But it's funny how people are willing to forgive THOSE mistakes for something that's completely free from something which they'll have to pay for.Thats because people should be less forgiving of something they pay for than something that is free. The fact that you pay for it means it should be better than the free counterpart.
Lynk Former Wrote:Quality of subs vary way too much to make a clear judgement and you might also want to take into account the fact that you can find 10 different versions of the same anime both official and unofficial and they'll all have 10 different ways of saying the exact same thing in their subs, some being more accurate than others.The only thing I don't get here is why do they have to use that ugly yellow with black border text? XD