7 March 2008, 4:33 AM
Moelman Wrote:Still on WoW, lol. Got my shoulders, gloves, and cape for my PvP set and now I'm working on the weapon. 27,000 honor points :O
Aren't those Warsong badges a cast iron bitch! Actually, pretty much all of them but AV are tough outside of a premade. (At least they are in my battlegroup, where alliance pvp is made of suck and fail!) Still managed to get my 5/5 S1 for my shammy tho!
Pro Tip: Being and enhancement shammy in EoTS is uber fun if (and I stress IF) you have a pocket healer! Hee Hee Once I wiped out 6 horde before they figured out where my heals were coming from! kek (I even think I killed a 'lock O.o)
Funny side note; my healer was a resto shammy aptly named Fix.