24 December 2007, 4:23 AM
I've been hella enjoying the Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu soundtrack stuff, although Aya's solo version of Hare Hare Yukai is pretty bad (well, her fill-in vocals for the parts she doesn't sing on the "normal" version are bad, anyway). The live performances from Gekisou are pretty questionable too =) although I very, very much enjoy Gekisou. I do give her credit for at least *trying* to be a rockstar instead of just half-assing it as a lead singer.
I'd love to hear her new solo record, though. And yeah, she is cute as hell. If anyone could plz give her to me for Christmas it would be much appreciated. kthx
I'd love to hear her new solo record, though. And yeah, she is cute as hell. If anyone could plz give her to me for Christmas it would be much appreciated. kthx