Lynk Former Wrote:I can understand when it's a matter of intruding on someones privacy, but that's not what I was talking about. Think about it and come back to me.
It may be just that writers are becoming more sensitive to cultural taboos. Yoko in Gurren laggan is a clearly good example of a confidant female that doesn't phase when her body, chest or other wise comes in contact with another person or animal, while you may say that, possibly a female in question may be reserving her first deflowering to her preferred partner for him or her to experience.
Its also a case of sexual harassment. Women in Japan are starting to report such incidences in greater numbers than simply accepting it. Its the upwardly mobile female we are speaking of here. Of course, you have the girls that just don't care and wouldn't mind if the guy was there or not. typically that would mean a great amount of trust between them.
But in anime and real life, either the girl doesn't care, the girl would smack you, or she would ride the all female train car/line to work.
If you look up "Hana's Holiday" By Saigado, I think there would be a good example (all though its an alternative one) to how a woman may address this sort of thing.
Generally a man slapping a woman is either crossed at sexual harassment, abuse, or, disgust, distaste, a wake up call, Unless it was some sort of dominance play, that is another question.
Mind you Lynk, you have to recall the crumbling Male dichotomy, as well as women not being afraid of filing sexual harassment reports and taking it upon them-selves to strike back in retaliation. Surely enough the gentlemanly form of chivalry has survived and served us this long has it?