22 August 2007, 3:12 AM
Ah the memories..... and some of the horriors I had hoped to forget.... XP
XP Got an image of my old phone with that theme on some where.... Found it!
Oh the horror's of an unclean screen.....
Quote:BGCC version 10
Ah, now this design was great, I loved this one. I had gotten all of the colours just right, the right blue, the right red and the right amount of black. A lot of people loved this colour scheme, so much in fact that someone made a nice mobile phone theme out of it lol. The screenshot we have on file right now isn't actually a proper screenshot. Apparently I had forgotten to take a screenshot of a working model of the site before I changed the design so... oops. What you're seeing now is a template I made in Photoshop for the original site design itself before I implement it. Either way, it looks pretty damn good doesn't it.
XP Got an image of my old phone with that theme on some where.... Found it!
Oh the horror's of an unclean screen.....
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