19 August 2007, 10:14 AM
fucking world going to shit isn't it.... there are some asshole out there that arn't worth the fucking time. This is the whole reason I always side on the Corprial punishment when I debate. The lesson these guys must learn is disapiline, ASBO? Get a fucking life Goverment they ain't worth the paper their printed on.....
Not enough Jail spaces you say? Built bigger better jails then. Quit giving each fucking prisioner their own TV, 5 star cooking, Their there for a reason. It a Prison not a freaking Hoilday Camp!
Blue.... ~If you want me to deal with it.... I'll take my M4 and bash the bastard brain out if you want otherwise I hoprfully let the police deal with it
Not enough Jail spaces you say? Built bigger better jails then. Quit giving each fucking prisioner their own TV, 5 star cooking, Their there for a reason. It a Prison not a freaking Hoilday Camp!
Blue.... ~If you want me to deal with it.... I'll take my M4 and bash the bastard brain out if you want otherwise I hoprfully let the police deal with it
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