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The Anime Crisis Center > The Anime Crisis Center Community Forums > Community Forums > Fan Art & Fiction v

O Sister, Where Art Thou? -R1.2/SM XO AU

O Sister, Where Art Thou? -R1.2/SM XO AU
It was one of those days that Ranma Saotome loved to hate, because of course it was raining outside and he was stuck inside with nothing to do. At this moment he was flipping through the channels on the TV, as Mr. Tendo and his father played a new game in their usual corner of the tea room. Suddenly their game came to an end as Gemna made his final move.

“Waaaa….. You sunk my battle ship” Mr. Tendo said before breaking into one of his usual trademark cry’s (Number 122 my best friend beat me at a child game). The sudden outburst of the water works caused Gemna to jump back out of the reach of the tears his friend was producing.

“Watch the water works Tendo old friend” Gemna said as he tired to calm down, he hated being so paranoid about getting wet. This had of course got a grin from Ranma as he watch the two of them carry on in their usual charade before him. It wasn’t long before the game had been restarted and Ranma had finally found something he could stand watching on the television. It was about half an hour later when the screen door way to the hall open and Kasumi stood there with a strange look on her face. Soun looked up from where he was sitting; he was also keeping an eye on his friend. Well aware of what his old friend Gemna would do to ensure he won the game.

“What is it? Kasumi dear” he asked looking at the worried look on her face.

“We have a visitor who wishes to speak to mister Saotome, father” she replied to the two fathers.

“A visitor?” Gemna spoke out; this head scarf suddenly grew tighter fearing it might be his wife making another surprised visit to the Tendo Dojo.

“A mister Santo, he claims to be a private investigator” Kasumi replied to him, Ranma started to glare at his father.

“Yo Pops what you done now?” he asked, his father meanwhile started to sweat drop at the sound of a Private investigator checking up on him.

“I have no idea what you mean Boy” Gemna argued back at his son, he was clearly confused there was only one or two more Fiancée he was worried about and they knew were he was, maybe a debt collector? But why send a Private investigator instead, it would only warn him.

“Your have to excuse me” said a male voice behind Kasumi, who stepped out of the way to relieve a young man aged around 25 “What I come to speak to Mister Gemna Saotome about is private and very important matter relating to him and I must speak to him as soon as possible” the man said producing a folder from his briefcase.

Mister Santo placed the folder in front of himself as he faced Gemna Saotome, in between the two of them stood the tea room table. The tea table was being used by Kasumi, who was making some hot tea for the two of them.

“The reason I am here Mister Saotome is over a very important matter” the young and inexperienced investigator started to explain to them. Gemna nodded as he accepted a cup from Kasumi, meanwhile Ranma was sitting off to one side watching quietly from the couch. He decided to stay behind because he was sure that what was going to be talked about, might affect him as well.

“Okay Mister Saotome, let me get down to the point any way, I am here because of someone” Santo began to explain “Does the name Atsuko Mizuno mean anything to you?” Ranma watched as Gemna tilted his head back and forth as he tired to remember the name, then with out a sound he stopped. Looking up towards the young investigator he nodded.

“Yes the name rings a bell, but may I ask what has this got to do with me? I haven’t seen Atsuko in about 16 or 17 years?” Ranma who was listening to the conversation, suddenly felt very relieved, ‘lest it not another Fiancée’ he thought, as he looked at his father.

“It is about her daughter” suddenly Ranma felt a sudden chill run right down his spine, thinking how wrong he might have been a few seconds before.

“Daughter?” Gemna spoke out loud, because he was now downright confused, he didn’t know that Atsuko had a daughter. But what had it to do with him, they had only dated for a couple of years before he had met Nodoka and married her.

“Yes but it also sadden me that I must also me the bear of bad news as

well” Mr Santo continued “You see Miss Mizuno is suffering from the last stages of a rare blood disorder, I’m afraid that she’s only got a week or two to live at best” after those last few words by Mr Santo, Gemna started to contemplate as he looked at the tea cup in his large hand as he began to think about memories long ago.

“I see but why now? Why does she seek me out at all?” Gemna asked before he took a long hard sip of the tea he had been holding. Mister Santo looked down at the folder that he had brought along with him before he spoke.

“It wasn’t Miss Mizuno who had me track you down, it actually Social Services who had me track you down” this statement brought a couple of raised eyebrows at him.

“Social services?”

“The reason they hired me, was the fact that Miss Mizuno place you as her daughter father on the birth certificate, you are the father of Ami Mizuno” as the last sentence came out, he was hit in the face by a foam froth of tea as Gemna spurted out in surprise and shock. Meanwhile Ranma did something that wasn’t in his usual book of tricks, he spoke the words usual assorted with another character.

“Oh my” right before he fainted.

To Be Continued....

I do not own or have ever claimed to own Ranma, the story and it characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Bow down before her if you ever have the Chance.

I also don’t own Sailor Moon or any of its characters, created by Naoko Takeuchi I just creating a great Fan-fic!

Okay Some Character appear to be OoC So Sue me this is a Fan-Fic, This Fic is based just before the failed wedding attempt in Ranma and about two years after Sailor moon started, give or Take…. Hey, I haven’t watched all of it….

Hawkeye-Kun and Robert-san are proud to present a Scope Production Fan-fic....

Chapter one

It had been a somber ride over to Juuban General hospital in the taxi For Ranma and Gemna Saotome, Ranma didn’t pay much attention to the building that passed by the car and he rode along in silent. It had been over two days, since they had learned the news of Gemna's adulatory. Ranma was still finding it hard to believe, that out there he had a half sister.

“So pop’s what are you going to talk about?” he glanced over to his father on the other side of the cab.

“I don’t know boy, I don’t know” he said somberly as the taxi pulled into the front of the hospital entrance. Ranma handed the driver some Yen bill’s as payment for the fare as his father made a mad dash from the taxi to under the entrance canopy to try and escape the rain that had been raining since the taxi had driven into the district of Juuban. Ranma grinned as he watches his father turned Panda stand there arguing with a security guard with Panda signs to let him by. But the guard wasn’t having any of it and denied Mister Saotome into the hospital in his currant form. He was currently barking orders into his radio; he couldn’t quite see how a panda should be here.

“This is Yoshiro, I’m at the main entrance and I need backup. I got a wild panda out here, trying to get in” Ranma-Chan walked up from the car smiling as she brushed her wet hair away from her face and a thermo flask of hot water rocking in her arms. She or he knew something like this might have happen so Ranma came prepared for it.

“Hey pops Catch” Ranma-Chan shouted as she chucked the thermos towards him, before turning toward the hospital guard and bowed before “Please excuse my father, while on a long training trip, he picked a curse which turns him into a panda” The guard looked at Ranma-Chan with a look of disbelief. He was about to say ‘Yer right and I’m the Emperor of Japan” but before he could speak he found himself staring at a large man in a very damp Training Gi. Yoshiro shook his head, pinched himself and did a double take before he simple fainted from the shock. Ranma-Chan held a little smirk on her lips as she looked down at the guard, it was so simple to get out of scrapes like this. But then there where the other times that she wasn’t so lucky, she thank her lucky stars that this was one of those simple times, when some thing this important was happening.

“Come on boy” muttered Gemna as he dropped the thermos on the ground. Ranma-Chan looked up and suddenly fumed at the sight of the thermos.

“Hey you big lug, you didn’t have to use ALL the hot water” Ranma-Chan shouted as she dropped kick her father in the back of the head. Gemna looked at his child with an emotionless look on his face, something that Ranma hadn’t seen before. Ever since Mister Santo explained what had happen to his father, Gemna had seemed like a changed man. They both walked into the hospital in the utmost silence, it was there they met up with Mister Santo who was sitting off to one side of the waiting room.

“Arr Mister Saotome, I see you arrived with no troubles?” Santo asked as he saw the two martial artists arrive “Hello and who might you be Miss?” he asked, not knowing about Ranma's female cruse.

“Oh this is my niece, Ranko” Gemna said before Ranma could state otherwise. This left Ranma-Chan a little flumed at her father, but there wasn’t anything she could do now without causing more confuse meant. So she decided to keep her mouth shut for once and continues this charade with her father.

After a brisk ride up on the lift, Ranma-Chan found herself and her father with-in walking distance of one person, who was going to change their future forever.

But the girl in question was complete unaware of their visits, as she ate her lunch in the hospital canteen with one of her closest friend.

“Say Ami, why did your mum, order to stay out of her room this afternoon?” asked Usagi Tsukino as she dug into a second helping of Hospital Jell-O, while Ami was playing with her food. The dark blue haired Scout of Mercury looked up from the plate on which she had been moving the food around with her fork. It took her awhile before she answered Usagi question.

“She said she had to deal with something important and didn’t want to worry about it” she sighed as she pushed the plate away, she wasn’t hungry anymore. She really had been hungry any more as she slowly watched her mother away. What was a child suppose to do in a situation like this? She wanted to spend every single minute she could with her mother. But for some strange reason her mother had flatly denied her to stay with her this afternoon, it had upset her when he mother told her. ‘What was so important that she couldn’t be included in” she wondered, looking down at the plate.

“Okay boy, I want you to remain quiet in there, got me?” Gemna muttered under his breath as they followed Mister Santo into the ward.

“Sure pop” Ranma-Chan whispered back as she followed her father reluctantly behind him. Mr Santo led them along the hall until they reach a single room, out side they where met by an old and white hair doctor by the name of Shiina.

“Good Afternoon Mr Saotome, I am Atsuko Physician” the old man started to explain “you are currently aware of her condition are you not?” he asked them, a simple nod from Gemna was all he needed as an answer. “Well I’m afraid her condition is worsening and at best she got a few days. Now before I let you go in to see her, I want you to know to go easy with her. She is very weak and if you upset her in any way I will have you removed Have you got me? I known Atsuko since she was an intern under my guidance and I will be keeping an eye on you Mister Saotome” and with that the good doctor left on his rounds.

Slowly but surely Gemna had managed to work up the courage to enter the room before him. He would at this very moment rather be facing the wrath of the master, then having to deal with the woman he left long ago. The door looked silently on its hinges, and Gemna stepped into the hospital room. It was like any other hospital room he had seen before, but it was the woman lying on the hospital bed that stood out. ‘Atsuko’ he thought as he saw her for the first time in over sixteen years, he had known her for many of his childhood years. Now to see her like this brought tears to this martial artist eyes.

“Gemna is that you?” the voice he knew sounded hallow, not like how it use to sound like when it belong to a 21 year old woman he dated.

“Yes Atsuko-Chan it’s me” Gemna answered as he stepped forward towards the bed and stared deeply at Atsuko, as she lay there in her hospital bed. Wires and tubes ran from her arms and chest to machines beside her. Atsuko looked up from where she lay and stared at Gemna.

“Oh Gemna, you've aged terribly Chough” Atsuko managed to mutter weakly from her bed with a cough. Gemna just stood there, as Ranma-Chan smirked at Atsuko’s remark.

“I’mm….” Gemna started to mumble “I’m so Sorry Atsuko-Chan, if only I had known” he said as he bent down on his knees and bowed before the bed. Ranma-Chan who was watching was in a state of shock, never as long as he could remember had he seen his father act like this.

“Gemna…..” a slight cough could be heard as the prone woman tired to speak “Gemna Saotome, you old fool would you get up please” she said as she tired to smile at him “I forgave you long ago” Gemna tilted his head upright as looked at Atsuko.

“I see… but may I ask why you have brought me here? Surly she has other family that could take better care of her?” Ranma-Chan grinned as she heard her father, ‘Yep that Pops alright, trying to flog his own child off into someone else care’ she thought as she watched from the back of the hospital. The mother of Ami, looked up from she was lying on the bed and thought about what she was going to say before she spoke.

“The reason is that I’m worried about Ami-Chan Chough there seems to be things as an outside force Chough as work, I need you to Chough take care good care of her Gemna, Promise me that you will keep a good eye on her and that she stay safe” Atsuko broke into a chough fit as tired to breath, Just then Doctor Shiina walked in. A look of horror on his face, he rushed over to his patient side and began to access her.

“NURSE!” he shouted and a young male nurse appeared at the door of the room “I need a medical Team Now!”

“Yes Doctor” the nurse answered before rushing off to get the Doctor help. Then Doctor Shiina looked at Mr Santo who had been standing off in one of the Corner.

“SANTO you know where the Canteen is?” he asked flashing a brief glance his way between check Atsuko vitals.

“Yes” Santo answered

“Then please go and get Miss Ami, that’s where she should be!” it was only then as those words left Doctor Shiina mouth did Ranma fully understand the urgency of the situation at this time. So did Mr Santo for his part as he rushed out of the room, meanwhile Ranma attention drifted back to the hospital bed, when his father had gone.

“Doctor what’s happening?” Gemna asked looking at Atsuko, who was still in a very bad coughing fit.

“She’s dying” was all Shiina did to answer him, as Atsuko started to cough up blood. Suddenly the room was filled up with more medical people that Ranma could imagine as he was pinned against the back wall.

“MOTHER” she heard someone scream as they rushed into the room, Ranma looked to see a young girl fight her way through the crowd of medical people to get to her mothers side.

“Oh Cough my Ami-Chan Chough there’s some one Cough I like you too Chough meet” she dying woman took her Childs had and place it into a Martial artist hand “Chough Meet you Father Ami Chough” then suddenly a smile crossed Atsuko face as her eyes closed for the last time, then the last breath escaped her body as the bedside Monitor started to –Bleep- out loud.

“MOTHER!” Ami screamed as she grabbed hold of her mother and buried her face into her mother chest, tears streaming down her face.

Chapter Two

Ranma was sitting quietly on the roof of the main house of the Tendo Dojo, he watched quietly as the last of the guest for Atsuko Mizuno funeral began to depart. A smile crossed his face as the memorial service for Atsuko Mizuno had gone on without a problem, he hadn’t known his half sister Ami long, and it had only been a week since her mother’s death. But he didn’t want to upset her, as his chaos factor could have ruined her mother Memorial service, he had been tempted to go on a training mission while the funeral and service went on so not to ruin it. But ever since he had been around her for the past week, when ever in visual view of her nothing crazy had happened to him. He started to think that maybe he could consider her his lucky charm, if nothing else to being his sister.

Looking down he watched as the last of Ami Friends leave, they had been in a way been an interesting bunch. That was until Ami introduced him as her half brother, suddenly two of them tired to do something close to an Amazon Glomp on him. Let say, that things went well for once as Akane managed to hold back her anger due to the severity of the situation. Someone shouting Ranma’s name caught his attention as he was staring off into the setting sunset.

“Hun Wha’t up Akane?” he asked looking down at his fiancée who was standing on the path below.

“Nothing, we’re going inside now” she mention with a smile before heading.

“Wait up” he mumbled leaping down next to her, -Splash- something he hadn’t counted on as he accidentally landed in a puddle, the cold water activating his Gender cruse, turning him into her. The petite Red head had to grab hold of her pants as they of course a couple of sizes to large for her. A low growl erupted from Ranma as she huffed in anger ‘Man a whole week and nothing, now this’ she thought as she walked into the house. Akane smirked as she followed her in, ‘maybe this will teach him for hanging on two those two girls earlier’

Ranma marched into the family room and sat down across the table from his father, who had surprised him this past week, during it he had never really left Ami side. That surprised Ranma and got her thinking….. ‘What Pop up too? He wouldn’t try anything stupid would he’ a visual view on Ranma at this moment, showed a dry desert and a tumble weed brew a crossed before a male Ranma was chased by a dozen or so woman who all claimed to be his fiancée all because of his father. A sweat drop started to form as he realised that his father would do something, knowing him he would try and marry Ami off to some rich husband for money.

Ami had offered to help clear up in the Kitchen after her four close Sensei friends had left, she wanted to help out as her father friend had hosted the Memorial service for her mother and it was the right thing to do to repay their Kindness for their help. But as soon as she picked up a plate, she was ushered out by the oldest girl she came to know by Kasumi

“Don’t Worry Ami-Chan I got every thing covered” she said pushing the young blue haired girl out of the Kitchen with her own charm. Looking round, she wondered what to do, she had been staying at the Tendo Dojo for the past six days. She didn’t have much with her at the moment, only a few sets of cloths. She had only had the chance to go home to her Apartment once in the past few days to pick up the cloths she needed to wear today. She had been sharing a room at the Tendo Dojo with the man she had learned to be her father, while she had been offered to share with any one of Mister Tendo daughters. She felt it would be best to be near the man she would become to know as her father. A man who she never had met before, because whenever she had asked her mother about the man who was her Father. The most she would get out of her mother was that he was an Artist. She would offended spend time dreaming about him, what type of art he study, she never suspected him to a Martial Artist.

This form of the art never crossed her mind, leaning up against the wall she began to think of what she wanted to do. “I go speak to father” she mumbled to herself ‘Maybe learn how he met mum’ She thought walking towards the family room, she slid the door across the slide and set into the family room. She was quite surprised to find a small redheaded girl beating up what she believed to be a panda. The red head compiling about the Panda stuffing it self full of food at the service.

“What the…..” never in her years of a Sailor Senshi had she seen anything quite this strange, what really bugged her out was when the two of them looked her way and the panda plucked a small wooden sign out of no where with the text on it Hello Daughter, are you feeling okay? Her eyes stayed transfixed on the sign for a couple of seconds ‘Did the panda just call her it’s daughter?’ that mental thought stayed with her as she tired picture that mental image of her father being a panda. For once the intelligent Sailor Senshi was confused beyond all of her logical thinking. The red headed girl bopped the panda on the head as she saw her half sister lacking any reasonable intelligence

“Now look what you done Pop’s” Ranma said as she watched Ami eyes roll backwards and the girls higher brain functions ceased completely before she fainted.
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