24 May 2007, 12:08 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:Pretty much every dream I have is a lucid dream.... sometimes I even repeat dreams or start a dream where I left it off last time.. and that dream doesn't have to be the dream from a previous night, it could be a dream from some time ago that's being continued...
That almost exactly like the lucid dreams I have. I can stop and start it whenever I want, kinda like a DVD scene selection... even when I'm still awake.
As a matter of fact, I use lucid dreams to create a piece of fiction, then I write it all down. Pretty neat huh?
Last night I had a dream about a Love Hina MasterCard advertisement:
Sketchbook- 2000 yen, Porno mag- 1500 yen,
the look on Naru's face- PRICELESS!
My DevArt gallery: http://aquishydro.deviantart.com/