14 May 2007, 5:07 PM
Lynk Former Wrote:Yes I did. I was a Nintendo fan back then, but I didn't support them as much as I do now thanks to the efforts with the DS and Wii.
Did you honestly see any of this coming back at that time? I mean, at the time I was right about what I said, I read it now and even though I feel ashamed about it now, it still felt like the right things to say back then.
i wouldnt worry about it. shoot it could be a nine lap dances that i had eariler talkin. but
back then you thought it was right. and honestly do you ever think sominething will come out exactly what its says it to be 100% of the time? No. and you said it, voiced it.
what happened? NIntendo came and brought forth exactly what they said theyd do (maybe to not to full extent but still)