20 April 2007, 12:58 AM
Ive been playing with myself
Jking XD
Ive been playing Space Cowboy Online.
Its pretty good, flying around shooting things and is a MMO. The PVP i think in this game is great. At level 11 you pick a nation and they have different maps but you can travel to there maps and go on channel 0 the battle channel, then there are Strategic Point wars, Mother Ship wars and there are National Contribution Points and Fame =P
I dont tend to level up much i stand around talking and warring =P
Jking XD
Ive been playing Space Cowboy Online.
Its pretty good, flying around shooting things and is a MMO. The PVP i think in this game is great. At level 11 you pick a nation and they have different maps but you can travel to there maps and go on channel 0 the battle channel, then there are Strategic Point wars, Mother Ship wars and there are National Contribution Points and Fame =P
I dont tend to level up much i stand around talking and warring =P