14 November 2006, 6:20 AM
Chimasterwang Wrote:OMG you dont know where are you XD
Now that some people have posted i can say something else XD
If your from Britain youll know about chavs.
Now chavs are worse than emos atleast emos can be nice and dont realy insult you for not being like them XD
Also those fights between emos and chavs lol
Don't get me started on Chavs Wang!
Technically we are all emo...
Emo is short for emotional.
We have all cried at one time of our life.
We all have loved.
We have all hurt....
etc etc
But the Emos that go around around wearing tights jeans... Specifically the guys... UGH!
Emo women how ever... Definite Bow chika bow wow status.
A couple of months ago I did work at a concert called 'Give it a name'. It was a complete 150% EMOfest.
Tight jeans and make up everywhere...
And that was just on the guys!
I nearly threw up!