5 November 2006, 11:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 5 November 2006, 11:13 AM by Blackjackal.)
[COLOR="Red"]Again and again, I hate myself for writing this, then posting it here. For anybody who is about to read it, note that it was originally meant to be the "BGCT 2040 fan's worst nightmare". However, it evolved into something more as I wrote it. At the same time, it also would seem like utter crap to anybody who enjoyed BGCT 2040, mainly because it's supposed to be what happens when things go wrong.
Mixed with a few fantisies and dreams, it has become maybe the possible truth of what would happen if I actually got one of my long forgotten wishes. I hope you read it, and enjoy it. you don't have to enjoy it, but at least give a comment that isn't negative towards it, unless it's absolutely necessary.
Supposedly it takes place around the beginning, except we'll just...veer off from the original storyline and towards something different, which makes the story known as "the Dark Sabers".[/COLOR]
*Lights dim and curtain goes up letting the camera project the image properly. At the same time, two K-suits enter, making sure rioting doesn't start.*
The metal spikes seemed to stab into the ground as the mad boomed slowly crawled across the street. The machine was massive, its face resembling nothing of what it originally was. The street had been mostly abandoned with the exception of a few people, most of which were already dead or dying from the boomer attack. Sirens could be heard off in the distance, and they slowly grew louder.
The boomer itself understood the meaning of these sirens, and welcomed the challenge. Turning to face the squad car APC mix, the Treads of the massive tractor boomer slowed to a stop. It then waited, observing with its unaffected camera eye. The Blue AD Police vehicles soon came into sight. Ahead of the convoy were three squad cars, followed closely by two APCs and more squad cars in tow behind. The first three squad cars slid to a stop, allowing the sides to be exposed towards the enemy and generating a makeshift wall at the same time. The APCs slowed down to a stop, disregarding the strategy used by the squad cars.
The Boomer looked closely as armored men piled out of the backs of the APCs. Running towards the Makeshift wall, they aimed their rifles towards the near motionless machine. Behind them two K-suits climbed down from their transports and started heading for it.
“K-suits have been deployed; hold your fire until deemed necessary.” The voice of the commanding officer was apparent to Jones. Watching from his spot behind the APC, he kept the rocket launcher ready in case things got ugly. They had generally relied on assault rifles to handle the ever occurring Knight sabers, which never seemed to work. Then it was his idea to use a rocket launcher. Because of his suggestion, it became his job as well.
The K-suits were roughly halfway to the boomer when two men behind the squad car pointed towards the sky. A slight glimmer in the sky alerted the presence of the beings they had come to know and despise as the Knight Sabers. It was Jones’s turn at fighting them. Watching while trying to remain concealed, he watched as the figure dropped from the skies. Then the scene didn’t feel right almost as soon as she had touched the ground. The armor was black instead of blue, and she looked more sinister than before.
“It’s one of the Knight Sabers, stand down!” The commander ordered. The men looked at each other in confusion for a second. They then looked back towards the lone Hard Suit that stood before them.
“Let her handle the boomer, then we…”Before the commander could finish, the head of the Hard Suit turned to look towards the K-suits. Both pilots backed the suits away slightly as if chilled by the glance. They then slowly continued to back away from her. The speed wasn’t enough, ignoring the Boomer; the Knight Saber launched itself towards one of the K-suits. The man screamed as she landed on top and stood up pulling her now clenched fist for a strike. The fist came down releasing a cloud of smoke as the explosive disks penetrated, ripping apart the pilot inside. Blood leaked from the damage done as she removed her hand from the now dead K-suit.
The other K-suit brought his Minigun to bear over her. Pulling the trigger, he barely got a shot off before she grabbed his arm and ripped it from its socket. More screaming followed as the K-suit tipped over, letting blood spray from the injury. The men behind the convoy had no reason to hold back now. Raising their rifles they opened fire. Most of the bullets were hardly guided, but a few hit their targets. The Black Knight Saber picked up the still partially alive K-suit and tossed it towards the makeshift wall. Before the men could react, the K-suit exploded, destroying almost half of the men hiding behind the cars. The rest turned and started running for safety.
Jones raised the rocket launcher and fired, watching as it glided towards her. With a single swift motion of her hand, the rocket glanced off and spiraled into the air. Jones then turned to see the Knight Saber still standing. His best reaction would be to run, and he did. Getting off to a good start, he swiped an assault rifle from the ground. However he only got ten feet when one of the APCs landed in the street in front of him. He then turned to face the now sprinting Black Demon as it came towards him.
“Oh god…oh god!” He aimed the assault rifle and held down the trigger. The bullets seemed to dot the areas where the Hard Suit was once standing as it jumped out of the way repeatedly, but none of them hit. It was when the clip ran dry did he get desperate and throw the gun at her. Without any more delay, the figure landed in front of his and grabbed him by the throat. The fingers tore through the neck armor and into his neck, letting more reddish liquid pour from the holes. She then pulled, ripping his throat out completely.
The dead body dropped to the ground, leaving only the boomer a survivor of the battle. Looking at her, it tilted its head slightly. It then slowly started moving towards the destroyed military barricade. The Knight Saber didn’t react in any way except look towards the sky as three glimmers signaled the approach of its targets.
Five minutes later
Priss felt something was out of place about this job. Looking down as she descended, it was Nene who made the first observation of the area.
“Ohhhh….it looks like the AD police got here long before us, we’ll need to hurry up with this one!” She said through the built in comm. System of their hard Suits. Priss however thought the opposite. The formation of the cars wasn’t right, and some of the cars were burning. As they got closer, the scene became more evident that the AD police had been there, up until the boomer had done some serious damage.
Both feet made contact with the ground, making the familiar clicking as the heels dug into the ground slightly. Forced into a crouching position to decrease the stress on her legs and the motors in the armor, she let herself rest for a second before standing up again. Looking around, she tried to make sense of the area they now stood on.
Squad cars had been destroyed, and dead bodies littered the area around them. To make things more suspicious, the only K-suits nearby were also destroyed. It looked as if something had exploded to blow through their armor, much Like Priss’s very own Knuckle Bombs. There wasn’t much time to think about it. Turning to Sylia, Priss raised an Eyebrow. Although Sylia wouldn’t be able to see it, just the stare was enough to get the message across.
“They’re dead…” Sylia replied as she walked towards a K-suit that lay on the ground. Nene had also started to examine the hole formed in the chest of the K-suit. Nene then let out a small gasp.
“Priss, this looks like damage from something like one of your knuckle bombs!” Priss then glanced towards the dead powered armor used by the AD police. Giving it no thought, she turned to Linna, who had been walking among the destroyed vehicles that had been scattered across the street. They had received a report of a Boomer being in the area, but there was none. Had it been another trap set by the AD police? If it was, then why destroy their surprise forces? The whole thing didn’t make sense…
A small beeping alerted Priss to another being in the area. Looking over, she spotted the figure standing on the edge of a rooftop. IT looked much like her Hard Suit, but it was Black instead of blue. Something already seemed bad about the figure as well. One of the disks placed over the knuckles had been detonated. Blood covered the grey metal of the hands and the faceplate stared at the small group fiendishly. The others had noticed the new visitor as well. Sylia drew her wrist blade while Nene aimed her wrist mounted rail guns towards the Black Hard Suit.
The Hard Suit reacted faster than they could. Jumping from it’s position, it made a front flip before landing right in front of Sylia. The White Knight Saber quickly slashed at the Demonic Hard suit, but missed as it ducked, dodging the attack. With her blade arm coming back in the opposite direction of the original slash, the black Hard Suit jumped, dodging it again. Sylia leaned backwards and pressed away from her position, jumping clear of the enemy before it could come back down.
Nene fired off two projectiles towards the Black suit. One dug into the shoulder while the other missed. The Black Hard suit then landed and jumped forward into something more than a sprint. It then skidded to a stop in front of Nene.
“Crap!” She managed to shout as she threw a punch at the mysterious being. The fist was met by the Black figure’s hand, stopping it completely. It then twisted it, pulling Nene from her feet and threw her at the ground. The concrete cracked around her as she landed on her back. Before she could get up, the enemy had already prepared the knuckle bombs. The fist slammed into her shoulder and detonated.
The two armed explosive disks blew through the armor protecting her shoulder, forming deadly shrapnel out of the protective metal that it once was. The black hard suit then withdrew it’s fist, letting a stream of smoke trail behind.
Nene lay motionless on the ground, a large black smoldering hole in the armor. The ground had given way and broken under the pressure, forming a small crater around the right side of her body. The figure then brought the glove up, having used only two disks, it still had three left. One more explosive disk glowed blue as it armed for an attack. The Figure then brought its fist down against Nene’s faceplate. The explosive knuckle detonated, hiding the damage behind a cloud of smoke. It took a few seconds for the smoke to clear, revealing the faceplate almost totally destroyed. Underneath, Nene’s face seemed intact, but scratched by shrapnel.
The figure no longer had an interest in Nene. Looking over towards Linna, it slowly started walking towards her. Sylia, trying to keep her anger controlled, looked towards Linna.
“Linna, get Nene out of here, we’ll handle this fiend.” She said through the comm. System. Linna gave a nod then ran for Nene. She got halfway when the Black Hard suit altered its course to intercept her. Jumping from one spot to the other, it landed in between Linna and Nene. It then threw a punch towards Linna. Upon getting within reach, the fingers spread apart, wrapping around Linna’s faceplate; it then lifted her off the ground and tossed her aside.
Sylia made another lunge with her wrist blade in an attempt to distract the hard suit; however the attack didn’t seem to succeed as the Black Hard suit bent back, dodging the swing. It then stood straight up again, grabbing Sylia’s arm. Without any hesitation, the Hard Suit pulled, ripping the armor sleeve off. Flesh became exposed to the open air. The Black Hard Suit then wrapped it’s fingers around Sylia’s neck. The moment when one of her own suits would be used against her was never conceived, and the feeling of the grip cutting into her throat was something she couldn’t have imagined up until now.
Priss came from behind the attacker, arming three of her explosive disks. Getting ready to hit the Battery Metal in the back of the Black Hard Suit. The hard suit, without even looking, side stepped, releasing Sylia. Priss, unable to stop the already thrown punch, couldn’t stop what she had started. The explosive knuckles slammed into the chest of Sylia’s armor, detonating. Sylia dropped to the ground, ceasing any movements. Priss began to turn around when she felt a sudden tug on the back of her helmet. However as quickly as it came it vanished. She then finally turned around to see the Black Hard suit wielding one of the horns from the back of her helmet like a dagger. Arming three more explosive disks on her left hand, she got into a crouching position, and then launched herself towards the figure. Despite the anger that she had been feeling, she easily managed to drown it out and attack. Her plan was to hit it anywhere, and hopefully put it down for good. Bringing her hand back, she prepared to hit in the stomach when it side stepped again. Holding the horn loosely, it let her pass by.
Priss landed on her stomach, remaining still, unable to move at all. Using most of the muscle she had she tried to lift herself up. The entire heads up display was gone, and it was hard to move, meaning only one thing had happened. Reaching back as far as she could, she wrapped her hand around the blue horn that stuck out of the back of her Battery Metal. She then dropped onto her side against the concrete, unable to move at all.
The Black Hard suit looked towards Linna now as the green and orange armor started running towards it. The Enemy then charged towards her as well. Once they both got close, Linna raised her right hand and threw a punch towards the black Hard suit, which faithfully crouched, dodging and at the same time delivering a kick towards her ankles. Linna jumped up and tried to delivery a kick to the top of the enemy’s head, but it reacted faster. Grabbing Linna by the foot, she seemed to stop. It then threw her aside again. Like before, she slammed into a building upside down. The wall gave way behind her, forming a crater around her. She then slipped from the spot and landed on her stomach. Pressing with her left leg, she launched herself away from the position she was in before, narrowly avoiding the explosive knuckles. She then landed standing upright about eight feet away from the “Evil Priss”. Smoke curled up from the spot where the explosive knuckles hit. Pulling its hand out, the black enemy charged towards her again.
Linna jumped above the figure and landed behind it, allowing her to do a reverse spin kick. Taking the hit to the shoulder, the Black Hard suit was knocked to the ground. It then used it’s momentum to get into a roll until its feet met with the ground. Linna was about to swing her arm to hit it with her wrist until it jumped out of the way, letting her armored wrist dig into the concrete. The black Hard suit landed beside her and did a roundhouse kick towards her back. Three of the explosive disks armed on the front of it’s ankle armed. Before Linna could react, the disks hit her back and detonated, ripping the armor apart. Smoke and blood trailed from the scorched hole in the protective armor over the spine. Linna slumped to the ground, giving the total of four new additions to the dead bodies in the street.
Priss tried to stand up again, but the backup battery had been destroyed as well. Unable to move at all, she simply watched as the Black Hard suit made a calm stride towards her. All five disks on the left hand gave an evil blackish glow as they armed. Priss knew what was going to happen, and she knew there wasn’t a way to avoid it. Her hard suit was capable of stopping weapons, but like all weapons, they were also meant to counter what they were attached to.
The Black hardsuit stopped short and examined it's explosive knuckles for a second. It then lowered it's hand as the disks lost their glow and disarmed. As priss slowly slid her arm in an attempt to grab something and pull herself away, the Black hardsuit crouched beside her and grabed her arm. It then lifted her up off the ground.
Before they could move anywhere, spotlights lit up and orders were being shouted. APCs pulled around and aimed their miniguns towards the two. Between the APCs and the hardsuits, five K-suits stood, armed with their standard miniguns. the Black Hardsuit turned slightly towards the AD police forces, letting priss get a good sight of the forces that would probably destroy them for the surrounding massacre. As they stared, the K-suits raised their Miniguns towards them. The barrels began to warm up.
Almost suddenly, three cannon shots rang through the air as three blue flashes came from behind. Two K-suits exploded upon taking the Anti-boomer cannon rounds while the other three started firing towards them. Behind Priss and the Black Hardsuit stood the damage dealer, a large Black K-suit, carrying two "K-cannons". Taking steps forward, the K-suit started to soak up the minigun/machinegun fire from the bad guys. All the while, the Black Hardsuit Helped Priss limp towards a nearby Alley. Once they got there, the hardsuit set her down against a wall and ran back out to get the others.
The Black K-suit raised continued to fire, blowing up two APCs in the process. Two men armed with rocket launchers ran up beside the K-suits and took aim. firing, the first one glanced off of the armor while the second slammed into the right arm of the Black K-suit. the armor melted away as a crater formed. As if reacting on instinct, the black K-suit threw one of the K-cannons towards the oncoming enemies. It then fired at it with the left K-cannon, blowing it up. the ammunition inside detonated releasing more damage upon the remaining AD police forces.
Slowly the black K-suit started to Back towards the same Alley as the fingers of the right hand opened up. It then wrapped the fingers around the Helmet of the Red hardsuit and lifted it off the ground. The Black Hardsuit used the distraction to get Sylia and Linna as well. Another K-suit exploded as the final K-cannon round slammed into the view port and detonated. the Black K-suit then tossed the empty hand-cannon at them. It then backed fully into the alley and set Nene down. the Black Hardsuit carried the other two towards a vehicle that priss hadn't noticed up until now. From the back, it looked much like an ADP armored personnel carrier. When the back opened up making a ramp, her suspicions were confirmed. The Black Hardsuit set both of the Knight sabers in the back before coming to help priss into it. All the while the Black Hardsuit picked up two miniguns. It then walked back out into the street and started firing towards the AD police again.
Once Nene was loaded up, the back of the APC closed and the vehicle roared to life. Only one of the minigun turrets swiveled slightly to aim at the soon-to-be shot targets while the other turret remained in it's default forward position. As soon as the K-suit was halfway across the street, the APC pulled out into the street as well and started driving in the opposite direction of the blockade. Firing both miniguns, the Black K-suit continued to make a slow run across the street. The remaining infantry and AD police vehicles continued to fire as well. After a few moments, the black K-suit vanished in another alley. It then dropped both miniguns and continued moving away from the scene.
The APC drove into what seemed much like a parking garage. Driving down, the vehicle stopped beside a set of large garage doors at the lowest level of the parking garage. The ramp of the APC dropped, revealing the inside while the garage doors opened revealing a large yellow painted service elevator. The elevator lacked a roof, allowing anybody who used it to see the elevator shaft al the way to the top. A man dressed in almost total black carried a pile of guns out while the same Black Hard suit carried Sylia and Nene towards the elevator. After a few trips, everything they needed had been loaded up onto the elevator. They then waited a few minutes.
“Well, so far everything is going according to plan…” The man said as he rubbed his hand across his mustache. The black Hardsuit turned it’s head towards him, but didn’t say anything. The man shrugged and set the guns down on the side of the elevator. Just as he did that, the Black K-suit came walking around the corner at the end of the garage. Most of the armor had been blown away, holes dotting the surface while entire sections had been melted due to taking enemy fire from stronger weapons. Walking slowly and calmly, the K-suit stepped onto the elevator. The man then crouched beside the guns and picked up a switch. He then pressed two buttons causing the doors to close and the elevator to lower.
“Thank god” said a female voice, coming from the Black hard suit. Reaching below the chin, she released the locking mechanisms that kept the helmet on. She then pulled it off, letting her purple hair fall out. Half her face remained hidden behind the hair, but otherwise she looked as if she were still in her teens. Looking towards the Black K-suit for a second, her eyes narrowed.
“Here we go again…” The man said as he looked up and away from the other two. Without hesitation, the girl threw the helmet at the K-suit. Living up to it’s outer appearance, the helmet bounced off the shoulder harmlessly making a “Tink” noise and landed on the floor of the elevator. The girl then turned so that her entire body was facing the K-suit. The massive suit of armor didn’t seem to show any signs of caring about her very existence other than the slight motion created by the pilot’s breathing.
“You screwed up again, something I’ve told you we couldn’t do!” She nearly shouted at the K-suit. Again, the K-suit seemed to ignore her. “…don’t give me the silent treatment, you know you ere supposed to have hit them from behind, not waited next to the police tank...”
“Well Kate, he still did his part of the opera-“ Before he could finish, the girl interrupted him, pointing accusingly at him.
“Shut up Rodney, we could have done that a lot better had you used a different APC from the police forces!” She kept her eyes on the K-suit, which still remained motionless.
“Maybe he’s just thinking over the fact that we did what we wanted, and that he let you have your fun instead of interrupting you. We could have easily captured the knight sabers even with the AD police up our asses.” Rodney replied as he picked up one of the assault rifles and checked the ammo battery. Kate grimaced at the thought that the pilot of the K-suit would be laughing.
After five seconds of silence, the elevator stopped. The doors opened revealing a large concrete room the size of a school gym. Desks were scattered about with computers on top and guns set in random areas. Two other people stood about working on the computers and ding what they had been assigned before the group left. Grabbing one of the Knight sabers around the waist, the K-suit carried her over to a cleared table. It then set her down on her back and trudged towards the corner of the room. Kate proceeded with carrying Nene over to another table while Rodney tried to help Priss walk to separate table as well.
“The funny thing is, you managed to copy the designs, even though you know very little about the actual Hard suit designs…” Kate said as she placed Nene on the table. The K-suit got into a crouching position before it stopped moving all together. It then remained motionless. Kate then walked over to carry Linna to another table specifically set up for her. “…basing the design off of power armor, brilliant, but what I still don’t understand is how you managed to make the armor so strong.” Kate left little traces of anger in her voice as she spoke, remembering the day she got to test the strength of the armor, while she was in it. Upon setting Linna down on the table, she proceeded with removing the helmets from each Knight Saber. Everything they were doing was planned out to the smallest detail. This was roughly their third operation involving the knight Sabers as well, meaning they had practiced the operation plenty of times.
After another minute, Priss could feel her helmet being removed. She then stared at Kate as her helmet was set beside her. There didn’t seem to be a point in asking who they were, but it was when Kate noticed that Priss was still awake did she give a small grin.
“Don’t worry about it, the suit armor is experimental, and almost exactly the same as what they have. Thankfully it’s better being as I got a ‘B’ in physics.” A new voice said. The newer voice seemed younger than the one before, but deeper as well. A gloved hand slapped on the edge of the back of the K-suit, wielding a set of tinted goggles.
The motion caught Priss’s attention. Looking over to the black K-suit, she watched as a boy around the age of sixteen lifted himself out of the K-suit. He was dressed in blue Slacks with a lime greet T-shirt and black vest. His eyes were partially covered by a set of half frame glasses, which gave him a slightly friendlier feel.
“The Hard Suit design involves charging the atoms, releasing tachyon particles which destabilize the atoms, yet keep them together…” Jacob said as he dropped down from the top of the K-suit, his boots making a click as they hit the concrete. He then started walking towards Priss and Kate. “…this contradiction allows the armor to be more flexible, but at the same time strong as it originally was. An impact against normal armor would make it crack and shatter…” He paused then turned to Rodney, who continued what he was going to say.
“…where the flexible armor moves along with the impact, absorbing the impact and sending the kinetic energy rippling through the rest of the suit until it dissipates to nothingness.” Rodney then grinned.
“It’s everything proof to be exact. The tachyons also make it so that gasses and any other atom can get through, by repelling anything smaller than the atoms themselves.” Jacob stopped once he was next to Kate and peered down at Priss.
“What do we do with the Knight Sabers?” Kate asked as she looked towards Jacob. The boy ‘s face changed to that of one meaning thought. Priss let her head rest against the table as he thought. Walking towards a table, Jacob pulled up a syringe filled with a silverfish liquid.
“It’s not the best idea, but it might work…” Jacob then tossed the syringe to Kate who caught it with relative ease. Raising it to be eye level, she checked the amounts inside.
“A nano injection? I thought we weren’t going to resort to the method, after all they are immobilized.” Kate replied as she set the syringe onto the table next to Priss’s arm.
“It may be drastic, but it’ll keep them from messing around with our operations. Give the injections to Sylia and Linna specifically, Nene and Priss don’t pose a threat for the time being…” He paused, and then looked towards his Black K-suit. “…They will bear witness to the fall of the knight sabers, the fall of Genom corp, and most of all, the rise of the Dark Sabers!”
[COLOR="Red"](END part I)
(Start part II)[/COLOR]
Location: AD police HQ
The AD police headquarters had been silent for most of the day. The odd report was enough to resurface any rage Leon had buried long before. Judging from the report, the Knight sabers not only destroyed an AD police team, but they had stolen AD police property as well. The odd thing was, they had converted a K-suit to have armor strong enough to stop oncoming minigun rounds. That was a feat that most scientists of the ADP research labs had trouble doing.
From the report, both new Knight Sabers had been confirmed as new additions because of their sudden appearance. Again, Leon seemed slightly angered by the fact that they had bent their image to appear good. Leaning against a wall in one of the ammunition account section, he took small sips of coffee, ignoring the shouting of other officers complaining about limited ammo batteries. His partner had gone off to do something else, but it didn’t really concern Leon for the time being. With the whole suspension of AD police work, other than the response of mad boomers, had kept him holed up in the police tower all day.
“Leon, what keeps you around here? Shouldn’t you be out patrolling?” Another officer asked as he walked over. Leon seemed different from the rest of the AD police forces, wearing normal clothes where others would wear the standard issue police armor. Andrew kept his head exposed when not on duty, being as “There really wasn’t a threat” when he was off duty. Giving a small glance towards Andrew, he proceeded with ignoring him.
“Okay, I get it. You’re upset about the Knight Sabers turning against us, aren’t you…” He said it with a small chuckle. Looking out the window towards the street, darkened by the night.
“Have you seen that little brat anywhere?” Leon asked as he tapped his index finger against the paper coffee cup. Andrew shrugged.
“I’m not even sure I know who you mean, most of the AD police are adults, with the exception of interns or whatever they’re called…” Andrew trailed off in a small bit of mumbling as he looked towards the ceiling. Leon let out a sigh and started walking down along the small cubicles, moving about his own thoughts. Walking a few feet, he stopped and turned to face Andrew again.
“Are you sure, you don’t know the girl, who works here, and bothers me most of the time…” He paused, trying not to make himself seem any crazier. Andrew came back to earth and looked towards Leon with a grin.
“I think I know who you’re talking about, the girl who keeps calling you ‘Leon-Chan” or whatever,” He then nodded his head with a look of satisfaction. “…I have not seen her since the accident involving the stolen K-suit. Why would you be looking for her anyway?” He then raised an eyebrow at the thought that Leon would be looking for somebody who made fun of him.
“I was going to ask her something, but she’s probably already gone home.” Leon said with a grimace. He then continued his walk towards the elevator.
At a Genom corp Distribution facility
“Okay, the whole plan was to remove the Knight Sabers from the picture, now why exactly is that important?” Rodney asked over the comm channel. There was a pause before a slightly static filled voice filled the driver’s compartment of the armored personnel carrier.
“Because, they never actually help the problem, they just destroy it. Normally it would involve making such a problem disappear forever, so that it wouldn’t make humanity in general look bad. However to keep things in balance, to keep a second race from going extinct, we’re the ones who are to ensure this. If the Knight Sabers remained in power, then we’d destroy possibly a new species of creature.” The radio filled with static for a second as the signal cut off. Rodney then picked up the radio speaker again.
“What’s wrong with that? They’ve got it figured out, and they actually know how to do everything. We’re basing it all on what we’ve seen, not done.” Rodney then waited. Another voice, Kate’s, chimed in this time.
“They know how to handle the Boomers as they go along, but otherwise they don’t know what’s in tore for them. If we keep them from doing anything, then we can solve the problem ourselves, and maybe even make it work out better than just blowing everything up.” Again the radio went silent before Jacob’s voice came through again.
“Exactly, we’re going to have a better outcome for the better future of humanity. It’s sort of like going up to an angry guy from another country and shooting him. It doesn’t make you feel good, and generally it makes things worse over time.” Rodney looked through the small view ports and towards the K-suit that stood above a partially scrapped boomer. Kate also had been messing with another set of inactive boomers, proceeding with another part of their plan.
“What we must remember is that we’ve also got to handle the special section of the AD police. They pose s serious threat to our plans. It’s a matter of thinking things through before they happen.” Jacob said. As he finished, the large Black K-suit stood up. It then looked towards Kate as she finished working on the other Boomers.
“We’ve got about five minutes before their AI’s boot up, and then we’ll have to be out of here and back at the base.” Kate said as she started walking towards the APC. Rodney took that as his signal to open up the rear ramp to let her in. As he started fooling around with the starting mechanism of the vehicle he turned to look out of the side, seeing if anybody was passing by. Normally an ADP Armored transport was only seen when sent to handle Mad Boomers. They were also seen around other transports, not alone. They had to be real careful, and make sure that nobody came by the Boomer distribution facility. It took the two a pretty long while, but after an hour total, they had managed to implant viruses into the Boomer systems. They had given themselves about an hour and a half to get the job done before the viruses took effect. However unlike most Boomers that had been intentionally sabotaged all attacked targets randomly. These were modified so that they would attack places such as the AD police station directly. With something as critical as equipment being stolen, they’d recall all forces to prevent anything from being stolen without them noticing.
The K-suit was last to get into the APC. Forced to crouch when entering the back, the K-suit seemed less powerful as it got further into the APC. The ramp then raised and closed. Kate walked over to a side of the APC and sat in one of the seats meant for fully equipped AD police officers. She normally didn’t remove her helmet because of the fact that they still hadn’t removed most of the security devices put into the vehicle for anti-theft. Whenever they were out of sight of every possible camera, she would feel comfortable enough to remove her only method of hiding her identity.
“We should head back, make sure that the Knight Sabers are still staying out of trouble…” Kate said as she looked at one of the gloves. She then looked towards the K-suit.
“Maybe, but we also need to hit the AD police station and get what supplies we need.” The radio seemed to remain silent for the rest of the ride. Rodney took Kate’s advice over Jacob’s despite the assigned ranks. The last thing they needed were a bunch of vigilantes getting in their way. The Knight sabers only lost because they were caught off guard. Even then, things could have very easily messed up. Most of the fight, they had relied on Kate’s random tactics to subdue them, and usually even then there were limits.
Getting into the parking garage and down the elevator, all three Declared Dark Saber members stepped into the makeshift hideout. Geoff and Raven had managed to remove parts of the hard suits from the Knight Sabers. In the process, they had been due for giving them more injections. Although it seemed only natural to remove the armor from one of the strongest of Knight sabers, they decided they would give Priss an advantage last. If they removed her armor then distracted themselves with the others, then there was no telling if she was capable of equal amounts of hurt without the Blue and Red trophy.
Nene had been treated for injuries during the time they had kept them there. Bandages covered parts of her face and her left eye. They however didn’t take the time to remove her hard suit. Sylia and Linna had also received treatment for their injuries. The large Black K-suit walked towards Nene, who seemed partially awake by now. Letting the large metallic fingers glide a few inches above her, he then brought the hand to be level with the hip of the K-suit. Kate then walked over to Nene and observed any possible injuries that might not have been treated.
Raven slowly continued to pry away at the latch just above the waist on Linna’s suit. The lack of energy helped slightly, but the backup battery had also lost energy before it could fully operate. Sylia’s suit came off much easier because of the slow but steady expenditure of Battery metal. After it had totally run out, the backup battery allowed the suit to open so that they could remove it.
The room had darkened slightly since the last time they had been there. It was Jacob’s decision to limit the power consumption so nobody would question a sudden appearance of a power drain. Two shelves had been added to the poorly arranged set of furniture about the room. One of which held multiple cylinders with a blackish liquid inside. The other held ammo batteries for the assault rifles they had recently acquired.
Kate stood next to the Black K-suit as it got into its crouching position for deactivation. Afterwards the back hatch opened, letting the pilot out. Jacob lifted himself from the K-suit and dropped onto the concrete ground, his boots making clicking noises as they made contact. He then made a calm stride towards one of the tables with computers set up.
“Okay, how are the nano injections going?” Jacob asked as he picked up one of the syringes. Looking at the silvery contents, he grinned. Kate all the while simply observed.
“Well, if the injections are working, then Sylia and Linna should be sound asleep until we give them the other nano injections. But I’m having too much trouble with Linna’s suit because of the crappy tools you got me!” Raven said as she threw the crowbar she had been using to work on Linna’s suit. Jacob ignored the act of frustration, turning towards Rodney.
“Well, if you want, we can push our methods a little further.” He said as he looked towards a tool chest that had been used to hold the nano injectors. Jacob looked towards it as well and nodded.
“For the attack, we’ll need everything we can get. Namely having two of the Knight Sabers run a distraction.” Jacob then turned towards Kate, who had removed her helmet, letting her hair hang loosely. Before Jacob could say anything, Rodney spoke again.
“The injections will take about five minutes to have an effect. However I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it. We might need to repair the Hard Suits though so that they can operate.” Rodney then looked to raven.
“I could give them the repairs, but I’m not even muscle, so you’re better off doing it yourself Jacob.” She said as she stepped back. Jacob nodded. It wasn’t something specifically he was good at, but he was the only person in the room that truly understood how the hard suits worked.
If that didn't make your eyes bleed, then I'm willing to write more. Otherwise, I'm probably going to stop there...
Mixed with a few fantisies and dreams, it has become maybe the possible truth of what would happen if I actually got one of my long forgotten wishes. I hope you read it, and enjoy it. you don't have to enjoy it, but at least give a comment that isn't negative towards it, unless it's absolutely necessary.
Supposedly it takes place around the beginning, except we'll just...veer off from the original storyline and towards something different, which makes the story known as "the Dark Sabers".[/COLOR]
*Lights dim and curtain goes up letting the camera project the image properly. At the same time, two K-suits enter, making sure rioting doesn't start.*
The metal spikes seemed to stab into the ground as the mad boomed slowly crawled across the street. The machine was massive, its face resembling nothing of what it originally was. The street had been mostly abandoned with the exception of a few people, most of which were already dead or dying from the boomer attack. Sirens could be heard off in the distance, and they slowly grew louder.
The boomer itself understood the meaning of these sirens, and welcomed the challenge. Turning to face the squad car APC mix, the Treads of the massive tractor boomer slowed to a stop. It then waited, observing with its unaffected camera eye. The Blue AD Police vehicles soon came into sight. Ahead of the convoy were three squad cars, followed closely by two APCs and more squad cars in tow behind. The first three squad cars slid to a stop, allowing the sides to be exposed towards the enemy and generating a makeshift wall at the same time. The APCs slowed down to a stop, disregarding the strategy used by the squad cars.
The Boomer looked closely as armored men piled out of the backs of the APCs. Running towards the Makeshift wall, they aimed their rifles towards the near motionless machine. Behind them two K-suits climbed down from their transports and started heading for it.
“K-suits have been deployed; hold your fire until deemed necessary.” The voice of the commanding officer was apparent to Jones. Watching from his spot behind the APC, he kept the rocket launcher ready in case things got ugly. They had generally relied on assault rifles to handle the ever occurring Knight sabers, which never seemed to work. Then it was his idea to use a rocket launcher. Because of his suggestion, it became his job as well.
The K-suits were roughly halfway to the boomer when two men behind the squad car pointed towards the sky. A slight glimmer in the sky alerted the presence of the beings they had come to know and despise as the Knight Sabers. It was Jones’s turn at fighting them. Watching while trying to remain concealed, he watched as the figure dropped from the skies. Then the scene didn’t feel right almost as soon as she had touched the ground. The armor was black instead of blue, and she looked more sinister than before.
“It’s one of the Knight Sabers, stand down!” The commander ordered. The men looked at each other in confusion for a second. They then looked back towards the lone Hard Suit that stood before them.
“Let her handle the boomer, then we…”Before the commander could finish, the head of the Hard Suit turned to look towards the K-suits. Both pilots backed the suits away slightly as if chilled by the glance. They then slowly continued to back away from her. The speed wasn’t enough, ignoring the Boomer; the Knight Saber launched itself towards one of the K-suits. The man screamed as she landed on top and stood up pulling her now clenched fist for a strike. The fist came down releasing a cloud of smoke as the explosive disks penetrated, ripping apart the pilot inside. Blood leaked from the damage done as she removed her hand from the now dead K-suit.
The other K-suit brought his Minigun to bear over her. Pulling the trigger, he barely got a shot off before she grabbed his arm and ripped it from its socket. More screaming followed as the K-suit tipped over, letting blood spray from the injury. The men behind the convoy had no reason to hold back now. Raising their rifles they opened fire. Most of the bullets were hardly guided, but a few hit their targets. The Black Knight Saber picked up the still partially alive K-suit and tossed it towards the makeshift wall. Before the men could react, the K-suit exploded, destroying almost half of the men hiding behind the cars. The rest turned and started running for safety.
Jones raised the rocket launcher and fired, watching as it glided towards her. With a single swift motion of her hand, the rocket glanced off and spiraled into the air. Jones then turned to see the Knight Saber still standing. His best reaction would be to run, and he did. Getting off to a good start, he swiped an assault rifle from the ground. However he only got ten feet when one of the APCs landed in the street in front of him. He then turned to face the now sprinting Black Demon as it came towards him.
“Oh god…oh god!” He aimed the assault rifle and held down the trigger. The bullets seemed to dot the areas where the Hard Suit was once standing as it jumped out of the way repeatedly, but none of them hit. It was when the clip ran dry did he get desperate and throw the gun at her. Without any more delay, the figure landed in front of his and grabbed him by the throat. The fingers tore through the neck armor and into his neck, letting more reddish liquid pour from the holes. She then pulled, ripping his throat out completely.
The dead body dropped to the ground, leaving only the boomer a survivor of the battle. Looking at her, it tilted its head slightly. It then slowly started moving towards the destroyed military barricade. The Knight Saber didn’t react in any way except look towards the sky as three glimmers signaled the approach of its targets.
Five minutes later
Priss felt something was out of place about this job. Looking down as she descended, it was Nene who made the first observation of the area.
“Ohhhh….it looks like the AD police got here long before us, we’ll need to hurry up with this one!” She said through the built in comm. System of their hard Suits. Priss however thought the opposite. The formation of the cars wasn’t right, and some of the cars were burning. As they got closer, the scene became more evident that the AD police had been there, up until the boomer had done some serious damage.
Both feet made contact with the ground, making the familiar clicking as the heels dug into the ground slightly. Forced into a crouching position to decrease the stress on her legs and the motors in the armor, she let herself rest for a second before standing up again. Looking around, she tried to make sense of the area they now stood on.
Squad cars had been destroyed, and dead bodies littered the area around them. To make things more suspicious, the only K-suits nearby were also destroyed. It looked as if something had exploded to blow through their armor, much Like Priss’s very own Knuckle Bombs. There wasn’t much time to think about it. Turning to Sylia, Priss raised an Eyebrow. Although Sylia wouldn’t be able to see it, just the stare was enough to get the message across.
“They’re dead…” Sylia replied as she walked towards a K-suit that lay on the ground. Nene had also started to examine the hole formed in the chest of the K-suit. Nene then let out a small gasp.
“Priss, this looks like damage from something like one of your knuckle bombs!” Priss then glanced towards the dead powered armor used by the AD police. Giving it no thought, she turned to Linna, who had been walking among the destroyed vehicles that had been scattered across the street. They had received a report of a Boomer being in the area, but there was none. Had it been another trap set by the AD police? If it was, then why destroy their surprise forces? The whole thing didn’t make sense…
A small beeping alerted Priss to another being in the area. Looking over, she spotted the figure standing on the edge of a rooftop. IT looked much like her Hard Suit, but it was Black instead of blue. Something already seemed bad about the figure as well. One of the disks placed over the knuckles had been detonated. Blood covered the grey metal of the hands and the faceplate stared at the small group fiendishly. The others had noticed the new visitor as well. Sylia drew her wrist blade while Nene aimed her wrist mounted rail guns towards the Black Hard Suit.
The Hard Suit reacted faster than they could. Jumping from it’s position, it made a front flip before landing right in front of Sylia. The White Knight Saber quickly slashed at the Demonic Hard suit, but missed as it ducked, dodging the attack. With her blade arm coming back in the opposite direction of the original slash, the black Hard Suit jumped, dodging it again. Sylia leaned backwards and pressed away from her position, jumping clear of the enemy before it could come back down.
Nene fired off two projectiles towards the Black suit. One dug into the shoulder while the other missed. The Black Hard suit then landed and jumped forward into something more than a sprint. It then skidded to a stop in front of Nene.
“Crap!” She managed to shout as she threw a punch at the mysterious being. The fist was met by the Black figure’s hand, stopping it completely. It then twisted it, pulling Nene from her feet and threw her at the ground. The concrete cracked around her as she landed on her back. Before she could get up, the enemy had already prepared the knuckle bombs. The fist slammed into her shoulder and detonated.
The two armed explosive disks blew through the armor protecting her shoulder, forming deadly shrapnel out of the protective metal that it once was. The black hard suit then withdrew it’s fist, letting a stream of smoke trail behind.
Nene lay motionless on the ground, a large black smoldering hole in the armor. The ground had given way and broken under the pressure, forming a small crater around the right side of her body. The figure then brought the glove up, having used only two disks, it still had three left. One more explosive disk glowed blue as it armed for an attack. The Figure then brought its fist down against Nene’s faceplate. The explosive knuckle detonated, hiding the damage behind a cloud of smoke. It took a few seconds for the smoke to clear, revealing the faceplate almost totally destroyed. Underneath, Nene’s face seemed intact, but scratched by shrapnel.
The figure no longer had an interest in Nene. Looking over towards Linna, it slowly started walking towards her. Sylia, trying to keep her anger controlled, looked towards Linna.
“Linna, get Nene out of here, we’ll handle this fiend.” She said through the comm. System. Linna gave a nod then ran for Nene. She got halfway when the Black Hard suit altered its course to intercept her. Jumping from one spot to the other, it landed in between Linna and Nene. It then threw a punch towards Linna. Upon getting within reach, the fingers spread apart, wrapping around Linna’s faceplate; it then lifted her off the ground and tossed her aside.
Sylia made another lunge with her wrist blade in an attempt to distract the hard suit; however the attack didn’t seem to succeed as the Black Hard suit bent back, dodging the swing. It then stood straight up again, grabbing Sylia’s arm. Without any hesitation, the Hard Suit pulled, ripping the armor sleeve off. Flesh became exposed to the open air. The Black Hard Suit then wrapped it’s fingers around Sylia’s neck. The moment when one of her own suits would be used against her was never conceived, and the feeling of the grip cutting into her throat was something she couldn’t have imagined up until now.
Priss came from behind the attacker, arming three of her explosive disks. Getting ready to hit the Battery Metal in the back of the Black Hard Suit. The hard suit, without even looking, side stepped, releasing Sylia. Priss, unable to stop the already thrown punch, couldn’t stop what she had started. The explosive knuckles slammed into the chest of Sylia’s armor, detonating. Sylia dropped to the ground, ceasing any movements. Priss began to turn around when she felt a sudden tug on the back of her helmet. However as quickly as it came it vanished. She then finally turned around to see the Black Hard suit wielding one of the horns from the back of her helmet like a dagger. Arming three more explosive disks on her left hand, she got into a crouching position, and then launched herself towards the figure. Despite the anger that she had been feeling, she easily managed to drown it out and attack. Her plan was to hit it anywhere, and hopefully put it down for good. Bringing her hand back, she prepared to hit in the stomach when it side stepped again. Holding the horn loosely, it let her pass by.
Priss landed on her stomach, remaining still, unable to move at all. Using most of the muscle she had she tried to lift herself up. The entire heads up display was gone, and it was hard to move, meaning only one thing had happened. Reaching back as far as she could, she wrapped her hand around the blue horn that stuck out of the back of her Battery Metal. She then dropped onto her side against the concrete, unable to move at all.
The Black Hard suit looked towards Linna now as the green and orange armor started running towards it. The Enemy then charged towards her as well. Once they both got close, Linna raised her right hand and threw a punch towards the black Hard suit, which faithfully crouched, dodging and at the same time delivering a kick towards her ankles. Linna jumped up and tried to delivery a kick to the top of the enemy’s head, but it reacted faster. Grabbing Linna by the foot, she seemed to stop. It then threw her aside again. Like before, she slammed into a building upside down. The wall gave way behind her, forming a crater around her. She then slipped from the spot and landed on her stomach. Pressing with her left leg, she launched herself away from the position she was in before, narrowly avoiding the explosive knuckles. She then landed standing upright about eight feet away from the “Evil Priss”. Smoke curled up from the spot where the explosive knuckles hit. Pulling its hand out, the black enemy charged towards her again.
Linna jumped above the figure and landed behind it, allowing her to do a reverse spin kick. Taking the hit to the shoulder, the Black Hard suit was knocked to the ground. It then used it’s momentum to get into a roll until its feet met with the ground. Linna was about to swing her arm to hit it with her wrist until it jumped out of the way, letting her armored wrist dig into the concrete. The black Hard suit landed beside her and did a roundhouse kick towards her back. Three of the explosive disks armed on the front of it’s ankle armed. Before Linna could react, the disks hit her back and detonated, ripping the armor apart. Smoke and blood trailed from the scorched hole in the protective armor over the spine. Linna slumped to the ground, giving the total of four new additions to the dead bodies in the street.
Priss tried to stand up again, but the backup battery had been destroyed as well. Unable to move at all, she simply watched as the Black Hard suit made a calm stride towards her. All five disks on the left hand gave an evil blackish glow as they armed. Priss knew what was going to happen, and she knew there wasn’t a way to avoid it. Her hard suit was capable of stopping weapons, but like all weapons, they were also meant to counter what they were attached to.
The Black hardsuit stopped short and examined it's explosive knuckles for a second. It then lowered it's hand as the disks lost their glow and disarmed. As priss slowly slid her arm in an attempt to grab something and pull herself away, the Black hardsuit crouched beside her and grabed her arm. It then lifted her up off the ground.
Before they could move anywhere, spotlights lit up and orders were being shouted. APCs pulled around and aimed their miniguns towards the two. Between the APCs and the hardsuits, five K-suits stood, armed with their standard miniguns. the Black Hardsuit turned slightly towards the AD police forces, letting priss get a good sight of the forces that would probably destroy them for the surrounding massacre. As they stared, the K-suits raised their Miniguns towards them. The barrels began to warm up.
Almost suddenly, three cannon shots rang through the air as three blue flashes came from behind. Two K-suits exploded upon taking the Anti-boomer cannon rounds while the other three started firing towards them. Behind Priss and the Black Hardsuit stood the damage dealer, a large Black K-suit, carrying two "K-cannons". Taking steps forward, the K-suit started to soak up the minigun/machinegun fire from the bad guys. All the while, the Black Hardsuit Helped Priss limp towards a nearby Alley. Once they got there, the hardsuit set her down against a wall and ran back out to get the others.
The Black K-suit raised continued to fire, blowing up two APCs in the process. Two men armed with rocket launchers ran up beside the K-suits and took aim. firing, the first one glanced off of the armor while the second slammed into the right arm of the Black K-suit. the armor melted away as a crater formed. As if reacting on instinct, the black K-suit threw one of the K-cannons towards the oncoming enemies. It then fired at it with the left K-cannon, blowing it up. the ammunition inside detonated releasing more damage upon the remaining AD police forces.
Slowly the black K-suit started to Back towards the same Alley as the fingers of the right hand opened up. It then wrapped the fingers around the Helmet of the Red hardsuit and lifted it off the ground. The Black Hardsuit used the distraction to get Sylia and Linna as well. Another K-suit exploded as the final K-cannon round slammed into the view port and detonated. the Black K-suit then tossed the empty hand-cannon at them. It then backed fully into the alley and set Nene down. the Black Hardsuit carried the other two towards a vehicle that priss hadn't noticed up until now. From the back, it looked much like an ADP armored personnel carrier. When the back opened up making a ramp, her suspicions were confirmed. The Black Hardsuit set both of the Knight sabers in the back before coming to help priss into it. All the while the Black Hardsuit picked up two miniguns. It then walked back out into the street and started firing towards the AD police again.
Once Nene was loaded up, the back of the APC closed and the vehicle roared to life. Only one of the minigun turrets swiveled slightly to aim at the soon-to-be shot targets while the other turret remained in it's default forward position. As soon as the K-suit was halfway across the street, the APC pulled out into the street as well and started driving in the opposite direction of the blockade. Firing both miniguns, the Black K-suit continued to make a slow run across the street. The remaining infantry and AD police vehicles continued to fire as well. After a few moments, the black K-suit vanished in another alley. It then dropped both miniguns and continued moving away from the scene.
The APC drove into what seemed much like a parking garage. Driving down, the vehicle stopped beside a set of large garage doors at the lowest level of the parking garage. The ramp of the APC dropped, revealing the inside while the garage doors opened revealing a large yellow painted service elevator. The elevator lacked a roof, allowing anybody who used it to see the elevator shaft al the way to the top. A man dressed in almost total black carried a pile of guns out while the same Black Hard suit carried Sylia and Nene towards the elevator. After a few trips, everything they needed had been loaded up onto the elevator. They then waited a few minutes.
“Well, so far everything is going according to plan…” The man said as he rubbed his hand across his mustache. The black Hardsuit turned it’s head towards him, but didn’t say anything. The man shrugged and set the guns down on the side of the elevator. Just as he did that, the Black K-suit came walking around the corner at the end of the garage. Most of the armor had been blown away, holes dotting the surface while entire sections had been melted due to taking enemy fire from stronger weapons. Walking slowly and calmly, the K-suit stepped onto the elevator. The man then crouched beside the guns and picked up a switch. He then pressed two buttons causing the doors to close and the elevator to lower.
“Thank god” said a female voice, coming from the Black hard suit. Reaching below the chin, she released the locking mechanisms that kept the helmet on. She then pulled it off, letting her purple hair fall out. Half her face remained hidden behind the hair, but otherwise she looked as if she were still in her teens. Looking towards the Black K-suit for a second, her eyes narrowed.
“Here we go again…” The man said as he looked up and away from the other two. Without hesitation, the girl threw the helmet at the K-suit. Living up to it’s outer appearance, the helmet bounced off the shoulder harmlessly making a “Tink” noise and landed on the floor of the elevator. The girl then turned so that her entire body was facing the K-suit. The massive suit of armor didn’t seem to show any signs of caring about her very existence other than the slight motion created by the pilot’s breathing.
“You screwed up again, something I’ve told you we couldn’t do!” She nearly shouted at the K-suit. Again, the K-suit seemed to ignore her. “…don’t give me the silent treatment, you know you ere supposed to have hit them from behind, not waited next to the police tank...”
“Well Kate, he still did his part of the opera-“ Before he could finish, the girl interrupted him, pointing accusingly at him.
“Shut up Rodney, we could have done that a lot better had you used a different APC from the police forces!” She kept her eyes on the K-suit, which still remained motionless.
“Maybe he’s just thinking over the fact that we did what we wanted, and that he let you have your fun instead of interrupting you. We could have easily captured the knight sabers even with the AD police up our asses.” Rodney replied as he picked up one of the assault rifles and checked the ammo battery. Kate grimaced at the thought that the pilot of the K-suit would be laughing.
After five seconds of silence, the elevator stopped. The doors opened revealing a large concrete room the size of a school gym. Desks were scattered about with computers on top and guns set in random areas. Two other people stood about working on the computers and ding what they had been assigned before the group left. Grabbing one of the Knight sabers around the waist, the K-suit carried her over to a cleared table. It then set her down on her back and trudged towards the corner of the room. Kate proceeded with carrying Nene over to another table while Rodney tried to help Priss walk to separate table as well.
“The funny thing is, you managed to copy the designs, even though you know very little about the actual Hard suit designs…” Kate said as she placed Nene on the table. The K-suit got into a crouching position before it stopped moving all together. It then remained motionless. Kate then walked over to carry Linna to another table specifically set up for her. “…basing the design off of power armor, brilliant, but what I still don’t understand is how you managed to make the armor so strong.” Kate left little traces of anger in her voice as she spoke, remembering the day she got to test the strength of the armor, while she was in it. Upon setting Linna down on the table, she proceeded with removing the helmets from each Knight Saber. Everything they were doing was planned out to the smallest detail. This was roughly their third operation involving the knight Sabers as well, meaning they had practiced the operation plenty of times.
After another minute, Priss could feel her helmet being removed. She then stared at Kate as her helmet was set beside her. There didn’t seem to be a point in asking who they were, but it was when Kate noticed that Priss was still awake did she give a small grin.
“Don’t worry about it, the suit armor is experimental, and almost exactly the same as what they have. Thankfully it’s better being as I got a ‘B’ in physics.” A new voice said. The newer voice seemed younger than the one before, but deeper as well. A gloved hand slapped on the edge of the back of the K-suit, wielding a set of tinted goggles.
The motion caught Priss’s attention. Looking over to the black K-suit, she watched as a boy around the age of sixteen lifted himself out of the K-suit. He was dressed in blue Slacks with a lime greet T-shirt and black vest. His eyes were partially covered by a set of half frame glasses, which gave him a slightly friendlier feel.
“The Hard Suit design involves charging the atoms, releasing tachyon particles which destabilize the atoms, yet keep them together…” Jacob said as he dropped down from the top of the K-suit, his boots making a click as they hit the concrete. He then started walking towards Priss and Kate. “…this contradiction allows the armor to be more flexible, but at the same time strong as it originally was. An impact against normal armor would make it crack and shatter…” He paused then turned to Rodney, who continued what he was going to say.
“…where the flexible armor moves along with the impact, absorbing the impact and sending the kinetic energy rippling through the rest of the suit until it dissipates to nothingness.” Rodney then grinned.
“It’s everything proof to be exact. The tachyons also make it so that gasses and any other atom can get through, by repelling anything smaller than the atoms themselves.” Jacob stopped once he was next to Kate and peered down at Priss.
“What do we do with the Knight Sabers?” Kate asked as she looked towards Jacob. The boy ‘s face changed to that of one meaning thought. Priss let her head rest against the table as he thought. Walking towards a table, Jacob pulled up a syringe filled with a silverfish liquid.
“It’s not the best idea, but it might work…” Jacob then tossed the syringe to Kate who caught it with relative ease. Raising it to be eye level, she checked the amounts inside.
“A nano injection? I thought we weren’t going to resort to the method, after all they are immobilized.” Kate replied as she set the syringe onto the table next to Priss’s arm.
“It may be drastic, but it’ll keep them from messing around with our operations. Give the injections to Sylia and Linna specifically, Nene and Priss don’t pose a threat for the time being…” He paused, and then looked towards his Black K-suit. “…They will bear witness to the fall of the knight sabers, the fall of Genom corp, and most of all, the rise of the Dark Sabers!”
[COLOR="Red"](END part I)
(Start part II)[/COLOR]
Location: AD police HQ
The AD police headquarters had been silent for most of the day. The odd report was enough to resurface any rage Leon had buried long before. Judging from the report, the Knight sabers not only destroyed an AD police team, but they had stolen AD police property as well. The odd thing was, they had converted a K-suit to have armor strong enough to stop oncoming minigun rounds. That was a feat that most scientists of the ADP research labs had trouble doing.
From the report, both new Knight Sabers had been confirmed as new additions because of their sudden appearance. Again, Leon seemed slightly angered by the fact that they had bent their image to appear good. Leaning against a wall in one of the ammunition account section, he took small sips of coffee, ignoring the shouting of other officers complaining about limited ammo batteries. His partner had gone off to do something else, but it didn’t really concern Leon for the time being. With the whole suspension of AD police work, other than the response of mad boomers, had kept him holed up in the police tower all day.
“Leon, what keeps you around here? Shouldn’t you be out patrolling?” Another officer asked as he walked over. Leon seemed different from the rest of the AD police forces, wearing normal clothes where others would wear the standard issue police armor. Andrew kept his head exposed when not on duty, being as “There really wasn’t a threat” when he was off duty. Giving a small glance towards Andrew, he proceeded with ignoring him.
“Okay, I get it. You’re upset about the Knight Sabers turning against us, aren’t you…” He said it with a small chuckle. Looking out the window towards the street, darkened by the night.
“Have you seen that little brat anywhere?” Leon asked as he tapped his index finger against the paper coffee cup. Andrew shrugged.
“I’m not even sure I know who you mean, most of the AD police are adults, with the exception of interns or whatever they’re called…” Andrew trailed off in a small bit of mumbling as he looked towards the ceiling. Leon let out a sigh and started walking down along the small cubicles, moving about his own thoughts. Walking a few feet, he stopped and turned to face Andrew again.
“Are you sure, you don’t know the girl, who works here, and bothers me most of the time…” He paused, trying not to make himself seem any crazier. Andrew came back to earth and looked towards Leon with a grin.
“I think I know who you’re talking about, the girl who keeps calling you ‘Leon-Chan” or whatever,” He then nodded his head with a look of satisfaction. “…I have not seen her since the accident involving the stolen K-suit. Why would you be looking for her anyway?” He then raised an eyebrow at the thought that Leon would be looking for somebody who made fun of him.
“I was going to ask her something, but she’s probably already gone home.” Leon said with a grimace. He then continued his walk towards the elevator.
At a Genom corp Distribution facility
“Okay, the whole plan was to remove the Knight Sabers from the picture, now why exactly is that important?” Rodney asked over the comm channel. There was a pause before a slightly static filled voice filled the driver’s compartment of the armored personnel carrier.
“Because, they never actually help the problem, they just destroy it. Normally it would involve making such a problem disappear forever, so that it wouldn’t make humanity in general look bad. However to keep things in balance, to keep a second race from going extinct, we’re the ones who are to ensure this. If the Knight Sabers remained in power, then we’d destroy possibly a new species of creature.” The radio filled with static for a second as the signal cut off. Rodney then picked up the radio speaker again.
“What’s wrong with that? They’ve got it figured out, and they actually know how to do everything. We’re basing it all on what we’ve seen, not done.” Rodney then waited. Another voice, Kate’s, chimed in this time.
“They know how to handle the Boomers as they go along, but otherwise they don’t know what’s in tore for them. If we keep them from doing anything, then we can solve the problem ourselves, and maybe even make it work out better than just blowing everything up.” Again the radio went silent before Jacob’s voice came through again.
“Exactly, we’re going to have a better outcome for the better future of humanity. It’s sort of like going up to an angry guy from another country and shooting him. It doesn’t make you feel good, and generally it makes things worse over time.” Rodney looked through the small view ports and towards the K-suit that stood above a partially scrapped boomer. Kate also had been messing with another set of inactive boomers, proceeding with another part of their plan.
“What we must remember is that we’ve also got to handle the special section of the AD police. They pose s serious threat to our plans. It’s a matter of thinking things through before they happen.” Jacob said. As he finished, the large Black K-suit stood up. It then looked towards Kate as she finished working on the other Boomers.
“We’ve got about five minutes before their AI’s boot up, and then we’ll have to be out of here and back at the base.” Kate said as she started walking towards the APC. Rodney took that as his signal to open up the rear ramp to let her in. As he started fooling around with the starting mechanism of the vehicle he turned to look out of the side, seeing if anybody was passing by. Normally an ADP Armored transport was only seen when sent to handle Mad Boomers. They were also seen around other transports, not alone. They had to be real careful, and make sure that nobody came by the Boomer distribution facility. It took the two a pretty long while, but after an hour total, they had managed to implant viruses into the Boomer systems. They had given themselves about an hour and a half to get the job done before the viruses took effect. However unlike most Boomers that had been intentionally sabotaged all attacked targets randomly. These were modified so that they would attack places such as the AD police station directly. With something as critical as equipment being stolen, they’d recall all forces to prevent anything from being stolen without them noticing.
The K-suit was last to get into the APC. Forced to crouch when entering the back, the K-suit seemed less powerful as it got further into the APC. The ramp then raised and closed. Kate walked over to a side of the APC and sat in one of the seats meant for fully equipped AD police officers. She normally didn’t remove her helmet because of the fact that they still hadn’t removed most of the security devices put into the vehicle for anti-theft. Whenever they were out of sight of every possible camera, she would feel comfortable enough to remove her only method of hiding her identity.
“We should head back, make sure that the Knight Sabers are still staying out of trouble…” Kate said as she looked at one of the gloves. She then looked towards the K-suit.
“Maybe, but we also need to hit the AD police station and get what supplies we need.” The radio seemed to remain silent for the rest of the ride. Rodney took Kate’s advice over Jacob’s despite the assigned ranks. The last thing they needed were a bunch of vigilantes getting in their way. The Knight sabers only lost because they were caught off guard. Even then, things could have very easily messed up. Most of the fight, they had relied on Kate’s random tactics to subdue them, and usually even then there were limits.
Getting into the parking garage and down the elevator, all three Declared Dark Saber members stepped into the makeshift hideout. Geoff and Raven had managed to remove parts of the hard suits from the Knight Sabers. In the process, they had been due for giving them more injections. Although it seemed only natural to remove the armor from one of the strongest of Knight sabers, they decided they would give Priss an advantage last. If they removed her armor then distracted themselves with the others, then there was no telling if she was capable of equal amounts of hurt without the Blue and Red trophy.
Nene had been treated for injuries during the time they had kept them there. Bandages covered parts of her face and her left eye. They however didn’t take the time to remove her hard suit. Sylia and Linna had also received treatment for their injuries. The large Black K-suit walked towards Nene, who seemed partially awake by now. Letting the large metallic fingers glide a few inches above her, he then brought the hand to be level with the hip of the K-suit. Kate then walked over to Nene and observed any possible injuries that might not have been treated.
Raven slowly continued to pry away at the latch just above the waist on Linna’s suit. The lack of energy helped slightly, but the backup battery had also lost energy before it could fully operate. Sylia’s suit came off much easier because of the slow but steady expenditure of Battery metal. After it had totally run out, the backup battery allowed the suit to open so that they could remove it.
The room had darkened slightly since the last time they had been there. It was Jacob’s decision to limit the power consumption so nobody would question a sudden appearance of a power drain. Two shelves had been added to the poorly arranged set of furniture about the room. One of which held multiple cylinders with a blackish liquid inside. The other held ammo batteries for the assault rifles they had recently acquired.
Kate stood next to the Black K-suit as it got into its crouching position for deactivation. Afterwards the back hatch opened, letting the pilot out. Jacob lifted himself from the K-suit and dropped onto the concrete ground, his boots making clicking noises as they made contact. He then made a calm stride towards one of the tables with computers set up.
“Okay, how are the nano injections going?” Jacob asked as he picked up one of the syringes. Looking at the silvery contents, he grinned. Kate all the while simply observed.
“Well, if the injections are working, then Sylia and Linna should be sound asleep until we give them the other nano injections. But I’m having too much trouble with Linna’s suit because of the crappy tools you got me!” Raven said as she threw the crowbar she had been using to work on Linna’s suit. Jacob ignored the act of frustration, turning towards Rodney.
“Well, if you want, we can push our methods a little further.” He said as he looked towards a tool chest that had been used to hold the nano injectors. Jacob looked towards it as well and nodded.
“For the attack, we’ll need everything we can get. Namely having two of the Knight Sabers run a distraction.” Jacob then turned towards Kate, who had removed her helmet, letting her hair hang loosely. Before Jacob could say anything, Rodney spoke again.
“The injections will take about five minutes to have an effect. However I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it. We might need to repair the Hard Suits though so that they can operate.” Rodney then looked to raven.
“I could give them the repairs, but I’m not even muscle, so you’re better off doing it yourself Jacob.” She said as she stepped back. Jacob nodded. It wasn’t something specifically he was good at, but he was the only person in the room that truly understood how the hard suits worked.
If that didn't make your eyes bleed, then I'm willing to write more. Otherwise, I'm probably going to stop there...
![[Image: BlackKsuitfsig.jpg]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/BlackKsuitfsig.jpg)