28 October 2006, 12:30 AM
like all of you  joke
kyubichan's licking me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
im her little...er...younger sister. Coz she's short like that, and Im an oak.
ah fuck!
28 October 2006, 12:35 AM
*tilts head @ avatar*
...I can see your panties.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
28 October 2006, 12:36 AM
Wait? First off Welcome, keep you hand in site at all times and be careful of the werewolves and USMC and USN Forum Members.....They Bite! We currently looking for a replacement for the USAF and I don't think we ever had a USArmy member XX;; Later.....
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28 October 2006, 12:39 AM
You dogs of the military, meh!
Enjoy your sex, drugs and rock n roll tOToroKid. I know I do.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
28 October 2006, 12:44 AM
Quote:*tilts head @ avatar*
...I can see your panties.
how could you when Im not wearing any LOL joke i have shorts on and mistur hawkeye, I do not understand your selling of donuts XP sorry
ah fuck!
28 October 2006, 12:56 AM
@tOToroKid: I'm pretty sure hawk's talking about me and a few others. Welcome Kyu's younger sister. Rule no.1 (aside from the rules set by the mods of these forums) POST MORE THEN ONE FUCKING TIME! I hate it when a new person joins and doens't post. Then again, you look weird enough to keep a regular attendance here. Welcome and may you stay pantiless for a long time to come.
*pats Kim and gently nudges her towards totoro's postcount*
As I type this I see the magic number 4 there
You've read it! You can't unread it!
well not to worry my newly found compadreysssss...I have no social life in the outside world other than doing silly stuff or talking to very few friends when they talk to me first that is. I'm more addicted being online than Kyubi, you can even ask her about it. She asked me what I wanna have between food and internet load. I said internet load I mean do I really have to think about that? XP the net is muh life coz I'm so sexy like a puddle of premordial soup.
Quote:*pats Kim and gently nudges her towards totoro's postcount*
As I type this I see the magic number 4 there
what's that magic number four for?
ah fuck!
It was your post count at the time...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
ohhhhh oh okay geez. Duh. hehehe okay I can't stop posting over the same threads..gaaaaaaaah. idk maybe i'll sign off for now but will be back on later...people be prepared to suffer more from meh!
ah fuck!
Suffer what? You're probably the most normal person here.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Gah? Lynk thanks alot.... you put me off coke and I just brought a Slab.....
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O_o im normal? me normal?!!! even if I told you what I do at them hot nights well more like when i wake up at dawn? =D
ah fuck!
I don't see why, Ash gave up Pokemon, went to school, got a job and became successful... and drank a coke... but either way, here
@ totoro: You could tell me that you're a real life dickgirl and I wouldn't care.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Quote:@ totoro: You could tell me that you're a real life dickgirl and I wouldn't care.
O_+ ROFL... hell no. ah I give up on yah. they are right, you are crazy and that's good we need more crazy people coz normal ones are just plain boring. anyways at those hot nights.....I stealthly move our electric fan on more to my side!!!!weeee don't tell sis! well I ain't reall got no none strange thing or secret to reveal here about them hot nights anyways, yea im probably normal. I just love to hate like everyone else anyway. ^_^ love that coke chick by the way.
ah fuck!
Quote:I stealthly move our electric fan on more to my side!!!!weeee don't tell sis!
Well, that's dandy.
Quote:love that coke chick by the way.
The girl from Last Exile.
DISCLAIMER: I am not in anyway responsible for my sister's insanity. (Okay, maybe a partly responsible since I threw a Pringle can on her head when she was barely a year old... ) Still, her posts and opinions are all her own; I mean, she's three inches taller than me, who am I to tell her anything? O_o
Quote:*tilts head @ avatar*
...I can see your panties.
btw, Lynk, nice welcome.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
kyubichan Wrote:DISCLAIMER: I am not in anyway responsible for my sister's insanity. (Okay, maybe a partly responsible since I threw a Pringle can on her head when she was barely a year old... ) Still, her posts and opinions are all her own; I mean, she's three inches taller than me, who am I to tell her anything? O_o I dropped mine on her head. Repeatly. And Often. She also has a hole in her head (Her fault, I swear).
Anyway welcome and don't worry, we are working on the repellant
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
It's sister tag team mania at the C3F!!! Or is it a sibling rivalry barbed-wire-Russian-ladder-style death match??? Either way, welcome tOToroKid!
Now we just have to sort out who the more insane sister is.
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
28 October 2006, 3:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 28 October 2006, 11:08 AM by Maverick.)
welcome to C3F totorokid, I'm one of the abnormal sane guys of this place, so you're advised to stay away from me or I might corrupt your current insanity.
you have been warned, have a nice day.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Quote:It's sister tag team mania at the C3F!!! Or is it a sibling rivalry barbed-wire-Russian-ladder-style death match???
Tag team: I'll kick the enemies' shin as she scratches their eyes out.
Yeah. And that's really her on her av, looking for her next meal.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Another insane person for the c3f...
*looks at previous posts*
Shes too damn cute I say we adopt her as the forum mascot
Lynk Former Wrote:Suffer what? You're probably the most normal person here.
compared to the rest of us... yes
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
I've seen some weird avatars in my time, but that really got to be the most ......... Best one we every had here on TACC Forum. She going to fit right in here, right between Kiai and.... Mr huggles....
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
Yes. Yes you are, such a geek. Yes.....
Well, if you are a geek, we don't discriminate here, so don't worry.
And yes, most of us actually are insane. To nott let it get to you, or to join in the fun, that's the main question.
me a geek? like as if? like totally? *bobs head* LOL im cool with being called that or at times a weirdo or a freak. see my avatar people? that's our school bathroom and I just forced my friend to takethat pic with me LOl yeah since were insane and I just think its so cool to actually kill some one right after they poop! isn't that great?!!!! my sis? probably its the pringle incident but I couldnt careless im cool with how I am right now.
adopt me???? what am I a stray kitty? LOL well sure Im cool with that since our mom here is insane like nagging and annoying insane, but you guys do have to wait *lists your names along with all the other people's names who wants to kidnap me and make me wear them dressies* i have no idea why though... oh and i'd love to meet mistur huggles please? I love huggles! their like pretty hentai to my sight: very pleasing. XP
since Im not looking like a pig anymore kyubs, I think we'll be on the same side. I'll hold them down like a tank that I am and you be my ammunition! =D *roars*
ah fuck!
I'm just trying to remember the family tree that you guys once posted... who related to who now?
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mistur hawkeye? are you asking me and my shnister?
ah fuck!
Nope Sorry.....
Long ago.... in a time before I was a member, in the old Forum that was a family tree. member adopted each other and soon their were babies... I think..... no ones ever bother to tell me the full story...
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
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oooooh....okay well thanx for letting me know mistur hawkeye! you're cool like beans ^_^
ah fuck!
OOOOH! I REMEMBER THAT! Who was I adopted by? I can't remember... Better add me to your list rokid, I WANNA EAT YOU ALL UP!
Beans? Beans?
Oh drop the Mister it's either Hawkeye or Hawk's, no need for Mister
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
Quote:OOOOH! I REMEMBER THAT! Who was I adopted by? I can't remember... Better add me to your list rokid, I WANNA EAT YOU ALL UP!
rokid? thats me right? ill try as soon as I know how to find whatever to clicky thingyer. cool avatar ones again miss kiai ^_^
Quote:Oh drop the Mister it's either Hawkeye or Hawk's, no need for Mister
why is it making you look at the mirror and count the folds and wrinkles on your face? I so know how that feels *sigh* or are you younger than me? sorry I just like using that mistur and miss thing I HAVE NO IDEA why.
ah fuck!
well use Sempi or Upperclassmen, Mister is just too demeaning for me is uses at my age.... XD
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
okay then sempi! hey is my avatar showing coz i can't see it is it suppossed to be like that?
ah fuck!
some times it acts up, just redresh your internet browser and it should clear
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
um but can you see it? its supposed to say "it's like beans! soo cool!!"
ah fuck!
Try uploading it again, or if you have it linked to another website, d/l it, then upload it here.
What's with the Beans?
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
![[Image: banner4.gif]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/banner4.gif)
idk i just like that word I guess ever since that nickelodeon shorty stuff ive watched when the ladies inside the stomach sang "beans beans the musical fruit the more you eat the more you toot the more you toot the better you feel so eat your beans at every meal"....i love that song ^_^
and about m avatar i already linked it this so sucks. ill fix it some other time i think im starting to become of a great annoyance to humanity right now probably means i need to sleep.
ah fuck!