hey I'm new here.
Hey, we noticed that you're new here.
Welcome to C3F
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Hey new person
17 July 2006, 10:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 17 July 2006, 10:50 AM by PJ-Animation.)
Hi, "New Here"! Interesting name!
I'm not new here!
XD lol, everyone's a comedian
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I'm not as new as you , but I am still as new compared to most of the new people.
Hi, newbie!
A late introduction well welcome you still deserve a picture XD
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Greetings... welcome to the world of random insanity... do make yourself at home
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
LOL sorry I've just a very bad Expireance with people using the name Anubis, they seem to think their god and don't have to follow the rules...
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Which reminds me... remember that member ages ago who registered as "God" and pretty much acted like he owned the place? XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
is that the guy who registered two or three times as diferent users when you banned him? I remember god on the banned users list, and some of god's very own posts, but I've been able to speak directly to god. Funny how that is...
There is only One God that I believe in and I will followed his intrustions to the letter if he commanded me.....
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<as god> Hawkeye get down on all fours and let mistress kimberly take your anal virginity. Hell, I'd obey her, I'm scared shitless of that devil woman. </as god> Still willing to follow every order on a whim? MUAHAHAHAHA!
......  -Bows Down- 'Yes God.....'
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Well it's official, we all now know that Hawk had is anal virginity taken away... and...
*grabs god microphone away from Kim* Who told you you could go into my room and take that?
You've read it! You can't unread it!
-Hawks turns and his Eyes Glow Blood RED-
'I will kill you Lynk and everyone else who learned that.....' XD
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Don't worry Hawk, we're not here to judge you, whatever you do with your anus is your business.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Hey Anubis, welcome, if this thread hasn't skeered you away from all the loony tunes
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
You know I was just thinking about that, we gone and scared the oor bugger off...
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"There once was a man named Enus..." XD, love that quote from Krusty. Welcome to the forums....if you're still here that is.
<looks at anubisgodofdeath's post count since 17 july...> OOPS. Guess I really did. Too bad because I was going to suggest storing food like a chipmunk in one's ass. It's very liberating and the food is already digested when you come out of your winter coma. Well, James thought it was liberating, until he died from rectal duct fecal infection. Stupid butler. Being drunk is a great way to let out stress. However it wouldn't really explain why I was getting wet by thinking about shoving food in someone's anus.
four shots of tequilla, a six pack and two glasses of jack and coke later and your right at my doorstep. NO ONE CAN OUT DRINK ME! MUAHAHAHA!
Oh, and welcome anubisgodofdeath. I'm calling you A15 from now on.
I'll like to take you on Mistress Kimberly....
3x Jameson Whiskey
2x D J.D.'s and Coke
2x Rebel Yell stright up
4x Castlemaine XXXX
4x Buddwisers.....
After that night nothing else much I can remember....
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*Wonders if Mistress Kimberly realy is a sadist.*
I wont take you on with my never being drunk and not liking alcohol XD
Do you call him A15 because after the A in his name there are 15 letters =P
Chimasterwang Wrote:*Wonders if Mistress Kimberly realy is a sadist.* you wonder?????
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Now she reminded me of some hentai movie i saw a few days ago. I cant remember what it was called but it had a sadist woman wearing red latex and whipping some guy and she was payed for it XD
How dare you say that about Mistress Kimberly.... Your lucky I'let you lieve but Miss Kimberly woudn't......
OI think an A-15 may be a military term such as AWOL or abesent with out leave.....
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
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You've read it! You can't unread it!
Welcome Anubis!
Are you related to Apofus? (is that his name?)
If he really is Anubis, wasent he taken care of by SG-1?
Dont people pay attention to dates? XD
Last post was 20 July 2006 XD
XD I just love the fact that the newer new guy was welcoming the older new guy...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I lag. XD
I was browsing the members page for some reason and I just wanted to see all the postings people had.
or something like that