Hey everyone, just letting you all know that I've posted up some [link=http://www.thecrisiscenter.net/multimedia/wallpapers/anime/v/voicesofadistantstar/]Voices of a Distant Star Wallpapers[/link] as well as a tonne of [link=http://www.thecrisiscenter.net/multimedia/wallpapers/anime/b/burstangel/]Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel) Wallpapers[/link].
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Macross wallpapers eh? Well aright *goes to dig through all the wallpapers he has*
You've read it! You can't unread it!

I was getting bored of my old wall
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
Hey Lynk if your interested I've got a SSBB wallpaper of Samus I made if you want one for the games section
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
I probably have roughly 200 MB of Haruhi Suzumiya wallpapers (I ended up downloading a 300 MB torrent to find one decent wallpaper) if you'd like.