Well you get the idea what this threads about....
Errr Okay... here is my request, At the moment I think it might be too early but I 'll put it foward. With the Old C3F we had a number of different creative threads, for Fan-art and writting if I remember. I would like to see a NEW and seperate Creative Art section for Artists, Writers with in the group to post their work.
While I could see BGC Fan art going into the BGC section, I fill that there's just too much choice in Anime or Manga for sections we don't have to leave them in General Anime or manga sections. Before long I believe that they would be overwelmed.
Also, If you could regards to the size and limits to fan art being posted with the forum, would be good. I forgotten long before the old forum closed.
Oh yes..... I caught the Sig Size somewere on the forum, but I don't think you got it listed in the FAQ or in the sig profile, which might be useful to do....
Later Hawks...
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Sure, actually TACC had a Fan Art anf Fiction section when it was originally opened but I took them down because I didn't have a way to gather fan art anf fiction from people efficiently enough.
Well anywayz, I'll make an Arts forum as well as a Fan Art and Fan Fiction section in TACC to post up works people want up on the site.
As for the signature image restrictions they are 500x100 80kb. I'll be creating a rules and guidelines thingy sometime...
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Thanks you my Liege, I am forever it you debt......
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Hmmm, I know I posted this question on the old forums and I know you'll be gone for 2 weeks but here goes... Are you thinking of putting a FlashChat into the site or at least an IRC so we can all chat and stuff?
Have a gewd day! Haev a fat and blubbery Walrein to start teh yu0r day!!11
12 January 2006, 10:30 PM
I'd love an IRC channel
13 January 2006, 12:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 13 January 2006, 12:38 AM by darktruth.)
While I can understand some of you guys wanting an IRC channel, the simple fact is that we currently don't have enough members to sustain a channel that can be online 24/7. Not to mention that the different countries and time zones we are in.
If anyone remembers, back in the previous C3F Lynk had attempted to make an IRC channel but it never really took off. I'm certain that there are also members who wouldn't know how to use mIRC or have never used it, some couldn't even connect to the servers as well. In the meantime we have a forum, so let's make use of it considering a number of users here wanted it back when Lynk closed the old one.
If more people join up the forum and we believe that there is sufficient amount of people who have access to IRC, then we might consider opening one sometime in the future.
15 January 2006, 12:15 AM
I'll like to sumbit an idea for a TV & Film section in the forum, I would love to start up a few threads on loads of TV shows and Films that are out. But it would just clutter up the General thread section, with tons of threads. I know that until Lynk gets back, nothing all happan but I'll like to submit it anyway....
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I think a movie/tv forum is a good idea as well, I'd definitely post in there.
23 January 2006, 10:06 PM
IRC channel = sorry, no.
Movie/TV forum = we'll see... once the forum grows a little more we'll see the trends in discussions. This place already has a million sections which I don't like in the first place.
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1 February 2006, 10:42 PM
well, since you said to post something here, i'm here =p
it would be a good idea to start a topic or a forum for conventions. There are people from all over the world that go to the most different cons, so it would be a nice idea to post reviews, or pictures and even talk bout cosplays, games and all that jazz that you can find in every con.
whatcha think?
![[Image: class.jpg]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/class.jpg)
Hey! Are you paying attention to class?
1 February 2006, 10:56 PM
*writes post* ... *rewrites entire post cause it became too damn long* XD
A Convention section is a great idea and I love it. But the question is, who is going to be the one who will write up all the content that goes into that section?
The problem is that TACC is DESPERATELY understaffed. We have 5 staff members at the moment, including myself, and we all have lives to lead, as you can very well understand, so our main concern isn't putting content into the site. To be honest, I'd love to get at least 10 - 12 people working under me, cause that way this place would have regular updates, as I feel it should. But also because this place has the potential to expand in ways you have suggested.
I think once we get a good number of staff, we'll be able to expand and grow, and hopefully in the near future we'll get more sections into the site.
And of course, I still want people to continue to make suggestions about the site. If I can't implement them now, I'll certainly try to do so in the future.
...Just as long as we have the manpower to do what you want us to do...
*looks around*
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1 February 2006, 11:36 PM
Errr.... why are you looking at me like that Lynk... It scary..... >>;
Well since I was the one who suggested it, I guess I got the free time now that Spawn been banned to do the job.
I gotter a couple of ideas what would work,
A sticky with the List of Conventions..Anime, gaming and so forth.... and the dates their on... in continent order [Don't you just hate it when their in one big list?]
Gallery for Best and worst Cosplay... Maybe an award cermonay like the Oscars once a year.... to get them to post up their attempts XD [What could we call them?]
Err.... Tips and suggestions on Conventions [Always good advice for a Convention Newbie (Note: I didn't say Noob!!)]
Reallife story at conventions.....[Always a laugh... let me tell you about... wait another time for that story]
Cos-playing help, [I can't sew what am I going to do.....!]
And threads for pre and post convention talk....
A few more somewere in my head, but I can't defined them at the moment
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1 February 2006, 11:53 PM
well, as awards for best and worst generally end up in fights. I don't think it's a good idea to put the 'worst' in the game. Really.
As for cosplaying help, i can work on that. I'm also part of a cosplay only forum and if i cant help, they sure can (i'll just pass the question ahead =p)
as for manpower, well, i won't apply for it this time.
Got tooo much to do and lil' time avaliable, especially from this next week on.
![[Image: class.jpg]](http://tacc.lynkformer.com/forums/images/signature/class.jpg)
Hey! Are you paying attention to class?
2 February 2006, 12:44 AM
Rach Wrote:well, as awards for best and worst generally end up in fights. I don't think it's a good idea to put the 'worst' in the game. Really.
Sure.... I was just borrowing some ideas from another anime forum  (who site shall remain nameless)
Anyway I've got the time in the next few weeks...
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awards should be given when somebody does something remarkably good, at any time, not a sort of show per year that who knows what will happen.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
5 February 2006, 12:47 AM
I want more ridiculous icons on the forum!
Best and Worst? Bad idea. Consider what you think is the best and worst is not really what's best and worst to another person. You might be able to pull off ''Who's your favorite cosplayer?'', but having best and worst is just a bad idea.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
I'm tryna find a good smilie set.... most of them suck x.x
You've read it! You can't unread it!
19 February 2006, 5:02 AM
A fumoffu translator.
better yet, a spoiler translator that turns everything in a 'spoiler' line into sets of 'Fumoffu', 'Fumoffu fumoffu fumoffu!' and 'Fumo? Fumoffu!'
19 February 2006, 7:27 AM
.................huh? a what?
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
19 February 2006, 7:33 AM
Maverick Wrote:.................huh? a what?
That son of a b***h cut me off!
What he said....
[Xp Sorry been quoting TopGun quotes all week.... XD]
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19 February 2006, 8:25 AM
This thread is for serious suggestions, Scar.
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
19 February 2006, 9:50 AM
sry. I'm insane.
How about a welcoming commite, charged with sending out a friendly hello and welcomming messages to new forum members who haven't yet posted in the forum. In a hope and drive to increases the forum traffic.
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I've already installed some plugins to the forum to do that automatically. It sends them a PM and whenever a person has logged in and their post count is 0, it'll bring up a message at the top of the forum welcoming them and encouraging them to make that first post, etc, etc...
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Any luck with those icons yet, Lynk?
Just wondering, can we setup a different skin as a default while browsing the forum? Or, that can't be done due to how the site and forum are inter-linked. Would like to use that Last Exile forum skin.
lol, nope all the skins are locked, as for the emoticons, i'm still trying to find a good set... I thought of using the old Invision emoticons from the last forum butt hey're much too big.
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Personally I like the classic set of smileys better than vB's new set. Like the one's LF has. I know you can find them on the net somewhere, that's what I did.
Yeah, I probably should just rip off those eh  LOL
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I wouldn't, remember when Niner found The Doctor talking about stealing LFs smilies for his forum? XD I'm sure they wouldn't mind you borrowing them though
Nah not any of the more unique ones, just the really generic ones  I'm smarter than that! Cause you're so gonna find those generic ones on every other forum on the net.
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I'm wondering if I can get a blank background of the Random image in the title on the websites front page. I've come across several Anime Images I would like to submit.
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Send the pics to me and I'll put em up whenever I have the time...
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Got it in a bigger size?
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How big because I need to dig round to find the original
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Big enough so I can cut around them and resize them to a smaller size without it looking crap.... so at least three times the size of what you just posted.
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9 June 2006, 8:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 9 June 2006, 8:49 AM by Hawkeye.)
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you make Chiyo-Chan sad
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words