I didn't really know where to put this topic so I placed it here. This question is being aimed an original bgc3 forum member. Remember the online bgc game you guys were making? Lynk should know what I'm talking about. The reason I thought it would be a nice addition to this site.
Progress Level: 70%
(I STILL need KnightSabre Sprites! >_<')
Bubblegum Crisis Online (BGCO) is on permanent hiatus. Max and his team just don't have the time to make it anymore therefore it's not going to be part of the site.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
I can confirm what Lynk said. BUT never say never... I've had my share of discussions with Maverick during C3F's absence and it might just fruit someday... but don't get any hopes up!
Bummer... I was hoping to finally see a BGC Tokyo 2040 game out... Oh well. I hope you guys find the time for it. But if not, then good luck on the comic. I'm still doing my best to get a scanner, but until then, I can't help you guys on it.
Progress Level: 70%
(I STILL need KnightSabre Sprites! >_<')
Well if it does come back I've got room on the site for BGCO, or at least a mirror for any dloads if you decide to make you own site.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Heh speaking of BGCO I kinda did some skin work on the old UT Priss model... and no I didnt distribute it I just did a bit of work on the skin so I could use it... if you want to see what i did... say so and i'll put up a pic
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
Sure, you can post the pic here, I don't think Sadi will mind. As long as you credit Sadi and me for the original work I won't hunt you down.
ANYWAY, that model is now outdated, here are some renders of how it looks right now, with the old released model for comparison
![[Image: prisshs1v2clay054hd.th.jpg]](http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/9610/prisshs1v2clay054hd.th.jpg)
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
12 March 2006, 10:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 12 March 2006, 10:34 AM by Damatee.)
Well the work Sadi did was excellent, to be honest the only major work i did was on the texture file for the arms and legs... and frankly I think what I did for that was a major Improvement... speaking of the skin I never could get team colours working for it... shame really
anyway after looking at the new model let me say this.... If that can be run on 2003 I would like to sign up for playtester it looks soo much better that the original... anyway heres a pic of what I did.
Not good i know but i was still learning how to do skin textures at that point
![[Image: Shot0022.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Mad_Ste/Shot0022.jpg)
the second version was merely an attempt at making it look shiny... a bad attempt
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
lol the arms and legs are the parts I did with MS Paint because Sadi didn't finish them and I so wanted to show the model XD
The model indeed looks better
Quote:If that can be run on 2003
I can't promise anything, I work on it everytime I feel like it.
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
15 March 2006, 9:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 15 March 2006, 9:07 AM by Sadipriss.)
never finished them because when my HD crashed I lost ALL of BGCO's texture files and such.
and because it was on hiatus I didn't bother trying to retrieve it
my skills have improved, if you want I could try again on it
just need the tools and the files again
I will try to skin it myself first, since BGCO is on coma this is my project now, no need to team up for now ^^
thanks for the offer Sadi
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
*sigh* Those shots look really cool... I wished we just could come up with anything SIMPLER than what we planned out the last time... something like a single-player game that wouldn't involve martial arts, teamplay, online stuff to worry about... but it would mean AI programming and standalone gameplay which is rather unfitting for an anime that focuses on a team.
Although the last time I watched BGC has been... erm... long ago and I'm pretty fed up with it, it's still one of my favs and I'd take it over many anime series anytime, so sometimes I let my mind wander through imaginary scenes of a BGC game, wondering how it could be done without all the coding for multiplayer that we were missing last time. But then again I don't know how much time it would take to make that, and how many people (including me) have that time.
I mean, when I saw Appleseed I wanted to make a game out of it. When I saw SAC I wanted to make a game out of it. I believe when I see Macross I could imagine a game for that too. The possiblities are practically endless, maybe a fresh start on a fresh anime with different gameplay would reinitiate some motivation. Somehow it just wouldn't be as cool as BGC, though...
A Macross game? Not unless you're prepared to make something even more complex than a BGC game. Valkyries are a tricky thing to do.
In all honesty, if you're gonna make a game, don't base it on something where you have to be dragged down by so many set limits. It's better to be inspired by what you like and create something similar that will work with the engine you've chosen.
Overall BGCO failed because peoples commitments vary too much, the only way to get a game completed is if you're actually an actual studio or if you're a group of SUPER geeks who have absolutely nothing better to do but work on this one thing 24/7.
But speaking of a Macross game, man I have dreams of a perfect Macross game floating around my head that involves the Nintendo Revolution controller XD lol Combining flight, 3rd person shooter and FPS elements with the Revmote to create one hellova fast paced action packed game. Of course everything looks good when you imagine it but *shrugs*
You've read it! You can't unread it!
thing is with BGCO
we did too many things at the same time,
we should have done the models first then work out the gameplay later.
19 March 2006, 10:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 19 March 2006, 10:50 PM by MadMax.)
Hmm, do you think that would have made things easier? I mean, yes, it's easier to concentrate on ONE thing without doing another, but since game development requires a lot of preproduction, I thought we were on the right track with some people working on models, others on textures and yet others on maps. Of course this can fail if one person has to take over another person's job (like me trying to be a level designer and a coder), now that means a lot of concentration goes down.
Lynk's absolutely right; I was of the opinion that a 3D action/shooting/combat game was perfect for BGC, but maybe there are other animes or game genres that flow better or are easier to develop. Actually when I'm thinking about a possible "BGCO 2" now, I exclude the online stuff and really make it single player in my head, more like a traditional shooter... but as I said, that would mean a lot of rewriting in the story department. An AD Police shooter would fit much better there...
I also remember one person at the I.G forums mentioning his idea of an SAC strategy (!) game... sounded quite cool, although I dislike strategy games a lot.
Hrrr, I'd SO love to make a game... even though I didn't touch the subject for longer than one year and I'm doing other things in my time... right now I'm a bit bored and would love a challenge.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that some of the ideas we had for BGCO are now being implemented in upcoming or existing games... like the strategy/commanding part in Battlefield 2, or the episodic release approach of Sin Episodes. Funny how the industry takes up ideas gamers already had
I know what you mean, I constantly have ideas for videogames, some unique, some based on animes or something similar, but overall I know that I'll never be able to get any of them made for a couple of good reasons. Firstly the majority of my better ideas aren't compatible with using pre existing game engines and secondly I don't have the means to undertake such a large project in the first place...
...The quote "I could do a lot of things if I had some money" comes to mind XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
24 March 2008, 1:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 24 March 2008, 1:11 AM by kin37ik.)
nice screenies
Lol@Replying to a topic in which the last post was over 2 years ago XD
Also bringing back a topic and its name is "Bringing back a REALLY old topic..." XD!
Lol@Me for pointing it out? XD
woah, say what??
:O it was posted 2 years ago, and i didnt even notice :O!
more like lol@me!?
Kind of reminded me about porting the Priss model to ut2004 as a playable character at least ... but I need windows ... and I feel lazy
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Chimasterwang Wrote:Lol@Replying to a topic in which the last post was over 2 years ago XD
Also bringing back a topic and its name is "Bringing back a REALLY old topic..." XD!
Lol@Me for pointing it out? XD This topic remains me of when Hawkeye revived a 50-100 topics from years ago when he first joined the forum.