Wow tomorrow this damn cast comes off! This damn thing itches so much I'm going crazy! Plus, it looks a little stupid when I'm wearing my coveralls and a plastic bag over the arm. I'm just glad It hasn't gotten any fuel on it, i'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to live with an appendage that smelled that strong all the time. Once again... YAY! I feel like Nana with all her limbs again!
Yay.... Does that mean you can play volly ball now? XP
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Good to hear.  I'm glad I don't know what its like to have a cast stuck on me.
P.S. That comic is so wrong.
Having the cast on wasn't anywhere near as bad as the arm broken by the baseball bat from hell. When your a Marine it seems like trouble likes to find you alot. As for the Clone Army... God help Dan Kim. He's truly a sick, sick, sick individual (but 10,000+ fans can't be wrong right?).
So did they catch this Baseball bat thug?
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Yeah, but since he was a foreign national, they asked me if I wanted to involve the japanese government in bringing up assault charges. If you all don't know, the japanese have a very convoluted and extremely tough legal system. Don't expect much if you get into trouble. So I opted to just let the drunk bastard go to the regular police for holding overnight. Better that then a lot of money, an international incident, and a real big headache neh?
If somebody broke my arm with a baseball bat I would have him charged, or the son of a bitch won't learn his lesson.
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lol @ nana av
You've read it! You can't unread it!
That sounds like one hell of a system to go up against. But the cast's about to come off, great to hear ^^
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
good for ya Kiai!
Quote:but 10,000+ fans can't be wrong right?
10,000+ flies can't be wrong, eat shit
sorry, couldn't help it
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Glad you're getting it off Kiai  I've never had to have a cast, but they look like they suck
Kiai, congratulations... I've had a cast on my right hand/arm years ago after crashing with my bicycle, and I hated it. However, I'd rather have a broken arm now than a missing tooth in my upper front, with a seam in my mouth and three cracked lower front teeth to accompany. Not being able to eat, kiss and speak is hard.
Enjoy your regained freedom!
What the hell happened to you?
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
@Max also:
Yes, those sound like... "unique" injuries. What the hell happened?
0.0 @ max
and Kiai glad it's coming off.
I ruptured my thumb ina a wrestling "match" with my bro when I was 8...
damn that was itchy, I still got it as a trophy somewhere everyone had written something on it it's cute XD
What the hell happened to you?
I was hit in the left part of my face by a muscle training device (some kind of pole with a spring inside to bend down, training your arms). Needless to say it was a very hard punch, causing a major headache (but no injuries there), displacing my upper left front tooth and cracking away some splinters from my lower front teeth. I had surgery that night and now I'm waiting for the wound to heal which will be followed by a tooth implant as a replacement for the missing one.
Did I already tell you guys how I got my head wound exactly one year ago? Was a similarly "awkward" situation.
I'd like to hear this... How awkward a situation are we talkin here?
I don't want to hijack your thread but here goes: I was in the theater watching an extremely bloody and violent horror movie called "Creep", and I didn't expect it to be so bad, but anyway... because I tend to panic when I see too much blood I was forced to leave the theater, but outside I lost control over my body, began to see white spots, got dumb... you know, all these signs of a panic-attack - then I found myself lying on the floor after I had noticeably hit my head at something while falling down, and that something was the sharp edge of a popcorn glass box. Had a deep cut in my forehead which was sewed together the same night and healed off pretty quickly. It's barely visible today, but you can tell it was a funny story... who knows what happens next.
Unfortunately these things can cost money. A tooth implant charges up to 1500 Euros...
-Ouch- Fracking crashed my bike on the way to work, didn't break any bones but I causeds some muscle damaged to my left wrist. That ain't good in my line of work, no heavy lifting which cuts my list of jobs in half. Mind you that means I can focus on my price checking duties.
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