This has been filming for quite awhile it seems... the only time I've ever heard news about it though is on Kotaku... the thing is that... well... it seems fake even though people everywhere are saying it's real. Maybe it's just that bad that it seems fake? I dunno... but has anyone else heard of this movie being made?
Here's a wiki article about it:
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I think ive seen that Wiki article before XP
Lol@Chow Yun-Fat as Master Roshi XD
Oh and here are the posts on Kotaku:
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Chimasterwang Wrote:I think ive seen that Wiki article before XP
Lol@Chow Yun-Fat as Master Roshi XD Wow so they actually have some credible actors, it will still suck though XD
Of course it'll suck XD It's like that Dead or Alive movie no one went to see lol.
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I would guess that after the Speed Racer debacle, it'll go straight to DVD/Download :P
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Please no, for that has been seen and can not be unseen. NO!
Have you watched the interview with the actors? If you didn't have nightmares before... you will after you see those. Goku becomes highschooled up and contemporary-yo.
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why do they insist on making animes into real-life movies, honestly.......
Makes you even more optimistic about that Evangelion movie doesn't it XD lol
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I'd rather see Akira done as a live action...
The way I see it, ANIME SHOULD NOT BE MADE INTO LIVE-ACTION MOVIES. It's as simple as that.
Speaking of which... who here is going to work up the courage to go and see Speed Racer?
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Stormfalcon Wrote:The way I see it, ANIME SHOULD NOT BE MADE INTO LIVE-ACTION MOVIES. It's as simple as that. 
thats what i was pointing out in my last post
Lol at Evangelion going on and on and on XD
A while back i saw something about Akira being made into a live action movie ;p Here it is Akira Live Action Film (Wiki) XD I tried to look at the Anime News Network thing on it but im at college and it blocks it for some reason XD
kin37ik Wrote:thats what i was pointing out in my last post
Oops, I didn't take the time to read your post. Sorry about that.
And to answer Lynk's question, I'm not going to see Speed Racer. Even though, I'll admit, the Safeway store that I work at is selling a lot of the toys. *Laughs*
@ Chim: Yeah, that's right. They talked about that ages ago and then recently Leonardo DiCaprio was said to be involved... *shudders*
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Stormfalcon Wrote:The way I see it, ANIME SHOULD NOT BE MADE INTO LIVE-ACTION MOVIES. It's as simple as that. 
But I want my Gundam and MACROSS!
huh, there's a Macross live action too?
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a Robotech live action movie in the works, or has it just been proposed? I ask because someone started a thread about it a while back.
Stormfalcon Wrote:Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a Robotech live action movie in the works, or has it just been proposed? I ask because someone started a thread about it a while back.
Its gonna have spider man in it and who knows what.
/m/ on 4chan stoppe yammering about it, seems all their mind is set to Klan Klan from the current macross series.
I dunno, If they have Macross (RoboTech) they at least better cal it the SDF-1, and Macross rather than *RoboTech*
How incredibly cornball it would be if it was
ROBOTECH .....2012
As supposed to MACROSS ........ 2012
If they do do a Robotech liveaction, they will probably have to remove all of the Macross elements for it. Don't expect the VeriTech's to look like Valkyries and don't expect the Macross to look anywhere near familiar. As for calling it "SDF-1" and "Macross"... I wouldn't mind if they did rename it to something else since...
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Maybe the Veritechs will look more like the fighters in Shadow Chronicles?
Stormfalcon Wrote:The way I see it, ANIME SHOULD NOT BE MADE INTO LIVE-ACTION MOVIES. It's as simple as that. about anime series that are made into live-action TV drama series? Honey & Clover and Sailor Moon comes to mind as well as GTO. I've heard some live adaptations are as good as the anime, the only fact is that they were made and intended for a Japanese audiences.
There are some panned ones too such as the live action Japanese Perfect Blue movie. I heard it wasn't well received by the critics or audiences.
There's a live action Perfect Blue? Damn i'll have to check that out.
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They still called it Dragon Ball even though they renamed the dragon balls to dragon pearls XD
Lol@Turtle Man and Westwood XD
you mean master roshi and who is westwood?
Densha Otoko was a live action turn anime turn manga.
I think that is the only case in which it worked, formula wise anyway.