14 February 2006, 5:36 AM
Okay when I was reading throught Newtype and came across an Artical for a new anime in production. I did a double take when I read the name Witchblade, I can't believe I don't believe that a Japanese animation comany has produced this.... They taken an american comic and produced an Anime... What is wrong with this picture....
They taken a plot line and completly re-written it here...
New characters, new settings... Arg.... Well once it aired in April I guess I have to wait untill all 26 episode have aired before I pass judgement. But knowing how these things end up, I'm not holding my breath here.....
Quote:Anime series
In 2004 Japanese animation studio GONZO announced an anime version of Witchblade, with a subsequent manga adaptation to be published by Kodansha. The anime version is considered controversial by some due to the fact that GONZO has announced that the main character of the anime is of Japanese ethnicity but is not Itagaki, one of the previous bearers of the Witchblade. Instead it is a new character named Masane. This has caused some fans to cry out against what they see as a nipponization of the franchise.
The anime series will begin broadcast during April 2006 and will run for 26 episodes (a standard series run). The lead character (and new blade wielder) is the kind-hearted Masane who, despite her good intentions, is fairly clumsy and not good around the house. After the events of an earthquake that struck her home 6 years before the series "year zero" (which is 2000), Masane has no recollection of her past previous to this date. When she comes into contact with the Witchblade, Masane also finds herself under the watchful eye of an organisation called the NSWF (national scientific welfare foundation).
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14 February 2006, 8:41 AM
Hmm so They are dumping the Traditional Sara Pezini (not correct spelling) Character and NYC setting and going with an OC In Japan by the looks of it... Not going to go Down Well with 95% of the fanbase... Since I seem to be in the 5% Of WitchBlade Fans that may be interested I just hope it doesnt become too much of a flop
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
14 February 2006, 10:16 AM
I'll give GONZO the benefit of the doubt as far as the anime is concerned. You can check out the website here if you like:
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17 February 2006, 12:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 21 February 2006, 12:04 AM by GabeXorn.)
Quote:Witchblade?!?!?! an Anime since when?
Since the Witchblade Animated One-Shots produced a few years back (a) were highly successful (b) sold out quickly and © people have been begging for this for years.
This has been in the works for a few years now, I first heard of it in mid 2003 and considering that anime versions of Highlander and Hellboy are on the way you might want to hold your breath when the pool starts filling with assorted other anime wannabe versions of other movie, tv and comic book propetries looking to make a quick buck.
Addition: Here is the Japanese version of the X-Men animated series from the 90's to help give an impression of what a non-japanese property would look like done anime style
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
From Comics Continuum
Quote:The Witchblade animated series, produced by Gonzo in conjuction with Top Cow, will debut on Japanese television.
Witchblade will air every Thursday morning on Japanese TV's CBC, beginning Thursday April 6 at 1:45 a.m., and every Saturday morning on TBS, beginning Saturday, April 8 at 2:25 a.m.
Also, prior to its TV run, Internet previews will be available to a limited number of applicants via web sites such as BIGLOBE and ShowTime. Previews will run for three days from Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2.
The original Witchblade concept is used in the Witchblade animated series, but the story has been localized for the Japanese market by Gonzo. The main character is a Japanese woman, and the setting is Tokyo of the near future. Gonzo's strength in 3D CG will be used to create action scenes surrounding the main character.
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
I found the intro theme song for the anime, but I can't find the ending theme song. Heck, I don't even know the name of it is! Can someone help? And what is the name of the artist that did the introduction song? BTW, sorry for disappearing for a long time. Working on my new 2D tournament game "The Sanctuary of Eden." ^_^v!
Progress Level: 70%
(I STILL need KnightSabre Sprites! >_<')
20 June 2006, 3:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 20 June 2006, 5:28 AM by Damatee.)
Mdnyte Wrote:I found the intro theme song for the anime, but I can't find the ending theme song. Heck, I don't even know the name of it is! Can someone help? And what is the name of the artist that did the introduction song? BTW, sorry for disappearing for a long time. Working on my new 2D tournament game "The Sanctuary of Eden." ^_^v!
The name of the Group that did the intro song is Psychic Lover
Also found the name of the ending theme... its "Ashita no Te" by Mamiko Noto.
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
Checked this series out back when it was released. I enjoyed it and had to wait until the begin of June until a fan-sub group finally decide to pick up the series and start doing it. I've only watched up to episode 4 and enjoyed it quite a bit. As expected of GONZO, very good graphic are present.
Oh yes, never read the comic of Witchblade. xD
21 June 2006, 3:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 21 June 2006, 2:10 PM by Rebel.)
All I ever knew of Witchbade was a few comics my friends had and that b-movie they made a few years back.
I'm gonna look for a sub and see how it is, I'll get back about that. Since I dont know the comics, I'll just judge if it's a good series.
Okay, watched what subs I can find and it reminds me offhand...not to sound somewhat ironic, of BGC 2040...if the main KS was violent and bloodthirsty. It has very typical animeisims to it, fortunately the main characters boobs dont get bigger when she transforms, they're just big to start with. I enjoyed it...but I dont have my hopes up for very much ATM.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
Thanks, Damatee. By the way, is that a Witchblade avatar? Looks cool. But the anime of Witchblade being made was predictable... I knew that they (whoever the company is...) were going to make it when I looked at the way their comics were drawn. Personally, I think it's just going to be one of those lame animes that looks more like a western cartoon... -_-' The music's good though. ^_^
Progress Level: 70%
(I STILL need KnightSabre Sprites! >_<')
Mdnyte Wrote:Thanks, Damatee. By the way, is that a Witchblade avatar? Looks cool. But the anime of Witchblade being made was predictable... I knew that they (whoever the company is...) were going to make it when I looked at the way their comics were drawn. Personally, I think it's just going to be one of those lame animes that looks more like a western cartoon... -_-' The music's good though. ^_^
Well, the comic book WAS created by Americans, so it's kinda obvious why they would give it western stylings. The creators of the comic, and the creators of the anime, are NOT the same people.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
They could've pulled a "DOA movie tactic" & completely change the styling. That would've probably made it a lot more interesting. I remember the live action series on cable Tv. It was incredible disappointing. Especially since they completely changed her armor... -_-' I stopped watching it a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the animated series doesn't get any further than the live action...
Progress Level: 70%
(I STILL need KnightSabre Sprites! >_<')
Mdnyte Wrote:They could've pulled a "DOA movie tactic" & completely change the styling. That would've probably made it a lot more interesting. I remember the live action series on cable Tv. It was incredible disappointing. Especially since they completely changed her armor... -_-' I stopped watching it a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the animated series doesn't get any further than the live action...
I agree the Live action witchblade sucked, the problem was they wernt allowed to go as far as the comic would, the anime version... from what clips ive seen of it does.
as for the armour in the Live... Im guessing they couldn't pull off doing the classic armour in the first place without blowing their budget on the effects needed to do it each time.
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
for those who dont know, the live action was canceled, even though it was pretty popular, because the main actress has alcohol problems and was sent to rehab at the end of the second season.
Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating Ammuntion Fortress
"Transhumanism is about how technology will solve the problems inherent in the human condition. Cyberpunk is about how it won't."
It's odd how she's a raging alcoholic yet in the very first episode of the live action series, she was reflecting bullets with the tip of her sword... Talk about irony... She can reflect a shot of 9mm gun yet she can't reflect a shot of Tequilá... -_-'
Progress Level: 70%
(I STILL need KnightSabre Sprites! >_<')