For some reason after I joined the third or so incarnation of c3f with the User name of Kiai its carried over to practically everything on the net that requires a user name. Kiai (pronounced "KEE-EYE") is something I took from my first martial arts teacher, which was a name he always gave those with the most raw intensity. Kiai when defined from its Japanese origin means: "Mind (ki) and Soul/Spirit (ai)", and is used to describe those with great fighting spirit. Literally the manifestation, emission or projection of ones own energy (internal strength).
Some of you might have found this a bit long winded, but this is the type of response I'm shooting for in this thread. If not this boards user name then just your favorite user name in general and its origins. No two word descriptions either. There's got to be a reason you chose what to call yourself anonymously over the net, and now I wanna hear it!
I chose Rogue15 cause it's what people know me as at lucasforums. first forum i ever joined was, and i was 15 years old at the time, i wanted to have a unique 'call sign' i guess so i just decided to go with Rogue15.
Used to go onto the chat room on Destiny's Child official site when I was young under some name I forgot, saw another user who had the name "Truth". Thought of coming up with a similar name to that so I just added "dark" in front of it and that's how I got my forum username and have used it ever since. Laugh all you want but that's how I really came up with it XD.
Don't worry, darktruth, mine's even worse
I needed a username, couldn't think of a decent one, and I happened to be listening to Blue Confusion from the BGC 2040 soundtrack. Turns out it's pretty appropriate as a nick, and my high school friends call me Blue instead of my real name now XD I came up with MidnightBreeze for deviantart because I joined in the summer, when I usually stay up all night working. Nothing made me feel creative like cracking open the window and enjoying the cool midnight breeze on my face.
Just because it's in the thesaurus doesn't mean it's a good idea.
And why isn't 'dethesaurisation' in the dictionary?
I came up with Lynk Former back in 1996... firstly, no it's not related to The Legend of Zelda. It's a name I came up with for an X-Wing pilot I made up... yeah, back in my Star Wars geek days, woot. I started using it in LucasForums as my username and used "Commander Lynk Former" for my first website, Rogue Squadron Central but have used just "Lynk Former" for everything else after that.
Some people don't get it's a first name and a last name for some reason so they call me by my full name *rollseyes*... other people like to call me Lynky, and leXX from LF liked to call me Kynky Lynky Wynky
I use Twilight Lynk on msn messenger, and again, not because The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. I was using the name before the name of TP was announced. My friend Ian (who you all from the old days may know as Dracula666 aka Elvenking used "Deadnight Warrior" as his msn name, so I became Twilight Lynk.
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I got mine from The anime Shadow Skill, its the title of the fighter known as Gau ban, thats it really XD
wasn't lynk former one of corran horn's cover names?
But I did start off in Aresen as Corran Horn before I switched over to Lynk Former. The two names are unrelated aside from the fact that I used both names in Aresen.
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Origin eh, let see my in game name for some online and lan games was fa†e. When i was registering for this forum i thought it was too short so i added rouge since i was a rouge in my family. so thats it rougefate.
Just to clarify since some people around here get confused. You do mean "rouge" with the u before the g and not "rogue" with the u after the g.
I've been telling people that you typed your name correctly and that's how you wanted it to be cause they think you meant to type "rogue" but made a typo...
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hehehe i just made a typo. nut i ,made it i just have to live with it. it doesn't matter though it almost sound the same.
No... "rouge" and "rogue" sound very different and have very different meanings... so unless you like being referred to as a shade of pink, I can fix your username if you want me to.
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I got my name from the anime Evangelion. I did not use the name, because I'm girl and my name is Eva in real life.
C3F was the first place I used this username, my last name is Moeller so Moelman is something some of my IRL friends would call me so I decided to use it for here. I'm not very good as making up usernames. :/
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Analog is short for analogk37 which was the user name I picked out for AOL many, many moons ago. Analogk37 is short for the Rush song "The Analog Kid". The number 37 is from the football player Joe Delaney, who died in his prime trying to save some kids from drowning in a lake... although he couldn't swim himself.
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Just so everyone knows, rougefate is now called Tacx.
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GabeXorn, chosen for 2 men in masks, because my other name, majin, was just too stupid and childish.
Gabe, i can't remember who that was, but Xorn was a charactor in Grant Morrision's run on New X-Men, that I liked (and has since been ruined)
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
Eva Wrote:I got my name from the anime Evangelion. I did not use the name, because I'm girl and my name is Eva in real life.
Wait, wait, wait! Eva is a girl? LOL! All this time I thought you were a Evangelion fanboy and that's why you're called Eva but I never thought you were a girl XD.
Eva is not a girl, he just worded that badly...
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Lynk Former Wrote:Eva is not a girl, he just worded that badly... Mistaken for a girl or admit that I have awful grammar. I don't win in either situation.
"kyubichan" has been my username since, I once thought just since 2003, but it turns out that I had it since early 2002 (my Neopets account). Basically, NO, I AM NOT A NARUTO FAN. 'kyu'/'kyuu' means 'nine', and 'bi' means tail: I've always loved the fox spirit in Japanese ghost stories, and from Hyper Police, I found out that it was called a "kyubi no kitsune", so I used 'kyubi' with the suffix 'chan' which is used for children or girls.
I hate it when people try to correct my username into "kyuubichan". They can suck on a pickle. *throws pickle at crowd*
Hmm~ what else... I also use "DinDeen" which the nickname that my dad gave to me when I was a little girl. It's derived from my real name.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
*buys kyub a Keaton mask from Hyrule market*
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~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Awe, how cute... Kyub+Lynk=
We make beautiful children together, kyub.
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12 January 2008, 12:30 AM
Lol Kyub i think youve said about not liking it when people associate your name with Naruto in the past 
Lynk Former Wrote:We make beautiful children together, kyub.
Blue spider-like robots ?
I'll stab them?
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
This was a very insightful thread, I probably didn't know any of that about any of you.
kyubichan Wrote:Blue spider-like robots ? Yeah, Tachikoma's
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Wheres that AMV Lynk! XP
Meh ill just find a Tachikoma Omake video
Tachikomatic Days
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Thats the character that was originaly in the place where i am in the C3F version of the His and Her Circumstances image right? XP
Yeah. Hideaki Asaba, the ladies man... but we all know you're a man's man, Chim.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Okay, you're a man's boy. Whatever.
But anywayz, Chim. How'd you get your name?
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My story:
6th grade. Linkin Park rocked my world. The bass player's nickname is Phoenix. Thought it looked too "plain" and added the 3 instead of an e.
I've been carrying the curse of my user name ever since.
p.s Linkin Park still rocks
Lol Linkin Park and the loads of AMVs that use their music lol
Its like you search on YouTube for a clip of something sometimes and you get Linkin Park music AMVs instead of just the clip on it maybe XD
Maybe not XP
14 January 2008, 11:16 PM
Since my username was change, i got another chance to tell where this name came from. In my family (father side) there's only been 3 people to be given a nick name from our last name. The first is my oldest uncle which is called tacky, which was given to him by his co-workers in a tanker. The other is my youngest uncle which is called tacs, which was givin by his colleagues. Lastly the third was me. This name was given by my I.A. teacher back in high school. At first they called me tacs and i thought it would be unfair to my uncle to have the same name, so i changed the spelling keep the pronounciation. So there you have it the name tacx was born.
25 January 2008, 10:14 AM
AGM-65 Maverick
Not from TopGun, period.
I used to play air combat simulators a lot, and the names I used for my pilot profile were always from missile/bombs, there was paveway, durandal, sparrow,etc but maverick was the one I liked more so I sticked with it.
If I knew that maverick was so widely used on internet or that It will make me a fan of a movie I haven't seen then I would have chosen another one.
now I don't use maverick for new usernames, I either use mav/m4v or lambda (from half-life)
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words