Anyone seen any pix of anime-style Alien and Predator? I'm tying to add some more to my collection, but it's pretty hard to hunt them down. (No Predator-related pun intended  )
By: A concerned Predator
It's kinda hard to get "anime" style Aliens and Predators since the two creatures are a style of their own in the first place... but I guess you mean animefied as in the usual anime cliche's attached to them?... Or chibi-fied?... *looks around*
You've read it! You can't unread it!
when i looked at the thread i thought, 'i wanna see a chibi alien vs pred!'
What if there was an Alien vs. Predator anime? If there was one, I would definitely see it!
Try looking in deviantART
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
kyub, i'll pay to have some chibi pred/alien drawn
they have a "Alien Loves Predator" comic somewhere on the internets.
Yeah they do... but it's not particularly anime styled...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
They would certainly function as plushies XD
Those guys are midgets, which, IMO, is about as close as they can get to chibis. XD
4 May 2007, 11:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 4 May 2007, 11:58 PM by Aquis Hydro.)
Maverick Wrote:
close enough?
Krrrrrkkk! Chibi Scar + Chibi Grid! Not something you wanna find in your dolls collection!
Geass, there is a series of AVP plushies out, Grid and Scar included. You can find them in places like Forbidden Planet and all over the Net.
Found a couple of anime-styled Alien & Predator pix at Planet AVP. Done by somebody called MaxKim. (Machiko from the AVP comics is there and she looks kinda hot.)
Hey Aquis Hydro,
I saw an episode of the anime Transformers Armada and in that particular episode there was a moment that reminded me a lot of the Predators' shoulder cannon.
Here is the clip - wait until the very end of the clip. It's spectacular, well, for a semi-kids show.
I have a predator Plushie XD
Take a picture and post it XD
25 May 2007, 11:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 25 May 2007, 11:34 PM by Aquis Hydro.)
So guys, watcha think? Anime Alien & Predator.
Okay, so there's no Alien, as they are very difficult to find. The Predator in the grey armour is one of those done by Maxkim. I don't know who did the one in the brown armour.
I really hate the whole alien vs predator universe. It all just turns me off. All of it.
[COLOR="Teal"]Well, you better try to find a way to turn yourself on because AVP 2 is coming out this December. Aquis Hydro, you can rejoice.[/COLOR]
aw shit, and alien 5?
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
You've read it! You can't unread it!
"Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony, and a plastic rocket, and one of those-"
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
AVP2: Survival of The Fittest is definately out in December. It's set in Colorado so anyone from there, watch out for 3-laser dots and slimy goo...
Kiai, the AVP Universe may not be a big thing for you, but as a Predator fan it is a major thing for me. PREDATOR RULES! YAAAYYY!!!!
(Besides, if you don't like AVP, then why post on this thread?)
Maverick, AVP (and hopefully AVP2) was designed to fit in with the Alien and Predator stories, but not interrupt. So there is still a chance for Predator 3 and Alien 5.
As long as Aiden bites it, I'm fine
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
There was only one thing that came out of AVP and that was superior Alien models. They were the best Alien models in the movies so far and they looked bloody awesome.
Also they changed the Predator's design too much in AVP which sucked. I don't mean their different armour either, look at the final surviving ones face when he takes his mask off and compare with the predators from 1 and 2.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Lynk Former Wrote:Also they changed the Predator's design too much in AVP which sucked. I don't mean their different armour either, look at the final surviving ones face when he takes his mask off and compare with the predators from 1 and 2.
Personally I like the new Predator armour. They also got loads of new gear and vision-modes. The Predators also became more athletic and stronger. I wasn't too fond of the Predator's new face at first, but after watching AVP about a dozen times, you get kinda used to it. I also know the entire film by heart.
The Aliens are most definately the best in the entire Alien/Predator franchise. In particular the Queen. In the other movies she looked clumsy and "too human", now she looks like a monstrous Alien bitch.
Hey I've got even MORE Anime Alien & Predator! [See Below]
![[Image: Alien-Zeichnung%2019.jpg]](
Play-Pred Magazine.
![[Image: 3-maxkim.jpg]](
I even found a USCM marine!
![[Image: Alien3a.jpg]](
The Ultimate Bad-Ass Bug.
![[Image: 1-brian.jpg]](
Just had to post this!
Well, I still can't find Machiko, but at least there's more than Predator.
21 June 2007, 11:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 21 June 2007, 11:59 PM by Aquis Hydro.)
I've got loads more where that came from. Maybe I can find Machiko! JOY!
Triple post and 2 of the posts are the same XD
Aquis, don't ever do that again.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
this is impressive work aquis hydro you love alien and predator so much i can see your avy is predator too. I really like the alien its looks nasty and mean.
30 June 2007, 12:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 30 June 2007, 1:07 AM by darktruth.)
Chimasterwang Wrote:Triple post and 2 of the posts are the same XD Not sure what that means, but Lynk don't seem pleased with it.
@Genosuke - Thanx mate, I am officially addicted to AVP. I'm also addicted to anime. (Hence I posted this thread) It's pretty hard to find anime-styled Alien and Predator, but I'm dedicated (and mad) enough to look for them and sure enough it paid off. I now have about 700mb of them stored on my hard-drive.
If anyone's interested, the Alien and the Marine are done by Maxkim. If you're interested in seeing more of their stuff, check out the fan-art gallery at Planet AVP.
![[Image: 14-guyver.jpg]](
Not sure how this is linked to AVP, but I found it among pictures of Aliens. By somebody called Guyver47.
And finally, I bring you... Machiko!
WTF?! Somethings wrong here. Why is the post coming up twice? I only clicked the "submit post" button once. Lynk is gonna kill me... crap.
@Lynk - Just so you know, this is not intentionally done. Any idea how to fix it?
30 June 2007, 11:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 30 June 2007, 11:15 AM by genosuke.)
is machiko has predator blood also?  about your image collection thats a lot of image bank you have there Aquis. XD
Whoever fixed my little problem with the post, many thanx. Much appreciated.
@Genosuke - Machiko doesn't, as many people believe, have Predator blood. She becomes part of a Clan by aiding its leader in a fight against a hive of Aliens. Out of respect and thanks, she is made an honourary hunter.
(And I think she looks great. Especially in that skimpy thing that passes for armour!  )