I loved Path of Radiance and I can't wait for its direct sequel, Goddess of Dawn to be released. It's said that the Japanese version of the game will be release on Feb 22 which means that the rest of us should get it sometime within 2007.
The story is obviously set a few years after PoR and the main character is Sothe. Crimea is in the process of rebuilding after the war between Crimea and Daein. Daein on the other hand is a broken country and is now under the rule of the Begnion Empire... the Daein people are being heavily oppressed and the country is no better of than it was in Path of Radiance. It looks like Begnion is at war with Gallia...
The game is said to be split into "two parts" where the first part will follow Sothe and his group... no one knows exactly what this means but some suspect that the second part of the game is a remake of Path of Radiance.
Man I can't wait for this game to be released!!
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Screens from GameFront
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19 January 2007, 12:47 PM
Looks pretty cool! Can't say I played Path of Radiance though.
BTW, I "don't have permission" to view any of the gamefront screenshots.
19 January 2007, 10:39 PM
Oh, if you get that then just highlight the url of the image in the address bar and press enter.
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19 January 2007, 11:17 PM
Sothe better be like Volke. He'll be great.
I hope the challenge of the game increased from PoR and that the extra we get at the end are improve. The extra features in PoR were weak. Though, I can't wait. Damn, I need to get my Wii before this game released. Strategy RPG are my favorite.
19 January 2007, 11:57 PM
I really wasn't bothered by the difficulty or lack there of with PoR or the weak extras... the story alone sold it for me.
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Cant wait for it myself tbh  will be a great game
I'm sure it'll be a great game, as all of the Fire Emblem's that I've played have been. I'm looking forward to it.
But I don't like Sothe very much, since I spent a ton of time training him in PoR, and then I found out he couldn't Promote and it pissed me off.
20 January 2007, 11:41 AM
lol yeah, some people made that huge mistake when playing PoR. I used Sothe too, but I never trained him, I just used him as a secondary thief for chests and stuff.
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20 January 2007, 11:49 AM
It wasn't really a huge mistake, because I still had no trouble beating the game, it just was annoying since I went through all that effort and there was no rewards.
21 January 2007, 12:42 PM
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That one guy with the blue hair and blue armor and the spear, reminds me way too much of Ephariam (if he was older) from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones.
New GoD info
- "Goddess of Dawn" is just a translation of the Japanese name, the final US/rest of the world name will be different
- The final game will have 44 chapters (PoR had 28 chapters)
- Three new magic and weapon types
- Character height differences and geography will affect gameplay
- Release date re-confirmed (in Japan) as February 22nd
- Wiimote, Classic Controller, or Cube controller can be used
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Sounds like a blast!
Wonder how the geography and everything will effect gameplay.
And Fourty-Four chapters?! Dang! That'll be awesome.
Well I can already imagine how the geography will work. It's pretty simple, if you have an archer and he's on high ground over his targets, his range will increase. However if that archer is firing up hill then his range will be limited.
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24 January 2007, 7:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 24 January 2007, 9:23 PM by Chimasterwang.)
That sounds pretty good, more tactics needed from you in play =D
The game wasn't hard, so training Sothe never hurt people. Just bother them since the bum never upgraded. xD
I'm going to assume he'll fight like Volke in the new game.
16 more chapters. That's great news!
24 January 2007, 11:48 PM
Having a Thief -> Assassin as the Hero is great, I love it  I wonder how they'll mix it up for him though, I mean since he's the hero he will obviously be able to do something special compared to other thieves.
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11 February 2007, 10:51 PM
11 February 2007, 10:59 PM
I wonder how long it'll take for the game to be translated and hit around the US, Europe and Australia... damn I hate waiting for something so good!
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12 February 2007, 12:29 AM
Is there any projection yet for when the game will be released? I could have sworn I read May or July on a site.
12 February 2007, 12:32 AM
Well we know that for Japan it'll be late Feb... so if all goes well, perhaps May or July for the US, but that's wishful thinking. It'll probably end up being after that. But you guys will get it earlier than the PAL regions. I'm sure it'll probably end up in Australia in 2008 or VERY late 2007 if all goes well.
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12 February 2007, 9:00 AM
Yeah, I forgot about that.
I'm hoping for the summer, but I could wait.
I hope it's a major upgrade from PoR.
17 February 2007, 1:02 PM
Major upgrade in what way?
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19 February 2007, 11:48 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:Major upgrade in what way? In every way since PoR on the Cube while GoD will be on Wii.
20 February 2007, 9:28 AM
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21 February 2007, 10:13 PM
Lynk Former Wrote:http://wii.com/jp/movies/wii-cm-soft22/
XD She looks so glazed over. Would that be Zihark in that commercial, too?
She doesn't look too interest to me. While cute, I was mainly focusing on that sweet Fire Emblem game.
You also read the info that your PoR data can open certain feature(s) in GoD? Totally sweet, but not totally unexpected, because SS data could have been transfer to PoR, never got around to playing Sacred Stones, but I only wanted to play it just so I could transfer the data to PoR.
21 February 2007, 10:22 PM
Yeah, it looks very much like Zihark doesn't it. I hope it is
As for the girl... you can potentially look up her skirt at one point... *looks around*
And yeah I read about the PoR data bonus... rumour has it that the Black Knight is in the game as well and joins your team in Chapter 9... total rumour, most likely not true lol.
EDIT: DUDE! http://www.velthomer.net/forums/index.ph...ntry248047
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22 February 2007, 9:21 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:Yeah, it looks very much like Zihark doesn't it. I hope it is 
As for the girl... you can potentially look up her skirt at one point... *looks around*
And yeah I read about the PoR data bonus... rumour has it that the Black Knight is in the game as well and joins your team in Chapter 9... total rumour, most likely not true lol.
EDIT: DUDE! http://www.velthomer.net/forums/index.ph...ntry248047 His character portrait is sweet.
Probably not. It's funny he didn't get his own class since he's just a General, but got his own character model. I hope more characters have their own character model. Well, at least the characters you control. Not too bother by repeating character models among enemies.
Be sweet if the Black Knight playable though.
28 February 2007, 9:01 PM
Info and Intro of GoD: http://gonintendo.com/?p=13638
Btw, GoD is out in Japan now.
First 8 Minutes of GoD: http://gonintendo.com/?p=13696
That opening scene was great
IGN's first play impressions: http://au.wii.ign.com/articles/767/767088p1.html
DUDE! THE BLACK KNIGHT!!! http://gonintendo.com/?p=13737
HOLY FUCK! http://gonintendo.com/?p=13854
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28 February 2007, 10:20 PM
OM YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait now most definitly ^^ go greil mercs go!
Unbelievable! That will sum up what I think of that final link, Lynk.
I must have this game! Like, badly! Be funny if any of those characters in that scene died when you played the first game. xD
Fortunatly for me none of them died XD, though i wonder what the US title will be for Goddess of Dawn
I just watched the last video, it was totally awesome. I cannot wait for this game to come out.
That one video sums up the Greil Mercenaries so damn well XD
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Just showed my sister the vid lynk i think ikes gonna have a stalker XD
4 November 2007, 12:15 AM
Here's a great clip that features some of the English voice work.
It's pretty bloody awesome, especially after the really bad voice acting that was in Path of Radiance.
And also, a very informative interview...
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22 November 2007, 9:24 PM
Did the game get released in your area yet, Lynk?
I picked up a Wii and Fire Emblem last week. I'm just wondering if you got a chance to play it yet.
23 November 2007, 7:26 AM
No, it's been delayed till early 2008 for me because of the amount of games being released in November and December down here. I can understand Nintendo of Australia's decision, the market is pretty damn saturated down here at the moment. There are like 10 games I really want to buy that have been released in November alone for Wii and another 10 I wanna buy in December, not counting DS games and not counting games on other systems that I would potentially want to buy if I had those systems.
Either way, what do you think?
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7 December 2007, 10:06 PM
Sorry for the delay in replying to your post, Lynk. I waited for my desktop to arrive before replying.
Moving along, you're going to like Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn if you like a challenge. I finished the game over a week ago and found it to be quite challenging on Normal mode, which would be Hard mode in the Japanese version. The last battle just annoying and you'll understand why when you get the game and reach that battle.
The story isn't that great and you didn't get much character interaction. At least in Path of Radiance, you had the support system. Yes, the support system been changed. Instead of conversation at base, you hold conversation on the battlefield. The problem? They're stupid conversations like "Don't die out there, Character A!" I'm not joking. It's that bad.
Overall, the game received nice additions such as a third level class and laguz leveling beyond level 20 and it's still the same fun experience Path of Radiance was. The most important improvement to me would be that it's not too easy like Path of Radiance.
To sum this all up, it's Path of Radiance with more of a challenge and added features. Also, you'll reach a conclusion to the plot.