So yesterday I was having fun celebrating my 23rd birthday, something I'd been looking forward to for some time now. Anthony, a friend of mine who I'd had since graduating highschool (2002) had a hand in plainning pretty much all of the surprise party that was thrown for me. We're from the same town, the same recruiting office and only one company apart from our graduation in bootcamp. I didn't see him for almost two years after that, not until I switched to aviation mechanic. Low and behold for some weird cosmic reason he had gone through practically the same experience. We went through tech school together, hung out on leave in between those schools and (as I presumed) would then part ways.
I was standing in line at the local telephone division waiting rather impatiently for my turn at the tellers desk, so that hopefully I could get a phone put in my room when I checked into my real room. I got through the next hour of waiting and nearly passed out on the comfy couch they had in the recieving area when they told me to wait again. I decided to go outside for some air. I walked out the door and plowed into some guy with a laptop in his hands. Needless to say he dropped it and was instantly pissed.
Yeah, he got one look at me and I got one look at him, and suddenly there was no broken laptop on the ground. We were together again, ready to conquer the world! Well, we've grown especially close over the last few months, mostly due to the fact that our five year enlistments were coming to a close at the same time.
I got a knock at my door this morning and low and behold it was Anthony. He looked kinda antsy and pent up, something I'd come to interpret as his wanting to come out with some huge secret to me. I let him inside, but instead of stepping foot inside he drew me in for a kiss, something that took me for suprise. It felt weird, almost wrong at first, but then it started to feel good, almost mind numingly so. It seemed like an eternity before we parted lips again, but when we did I was speachless. He backed off and then just ran away, a huge smile on his lips.
I guess I'm posting this to see if I can get some kind of advice. I like him alot, I really do, and I think I might love him also. What do I do next? I've dated a handful of guys that have ended up being total dirtbags and people who i've never wanted to talk to ever again. I don't want this time to turn out like that. I feel lost...
I didn't think this was suppose to go in the serious discussion group based on how many political threads were already there, and I didn't feel this was too serious, even though I'm asking for some honest oppinions.
4 December 2006, 1:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 4 December 2006, 1:52 AM by kyubichan.)
Ooh. Kiss from a friend ^^ Let me tell yah a story... before my current boyfriend became my, er, boyfriend, we were just bestfriends. He confessed that he "liked" me when I broke up with my first boyfriend, but I didn't want to be in a relationship at that time... well, anyway, I had a major crush on him since I first saw him and I was confused about my feelings (still hurt, but an uber cute guy's there...meh). One day I was playing a videogame, he said "Hi!", I looked up and he kissed me then ran away. A kiss can mean a million things, and a guy can mean it or not. But that kiss made up my mind, that I liked him enough to not beat him up for it XD
So, my point is, make sure of your own feelings first. If you're sure, you can either ask him about the kiss, about what it meant, or wait for him to approach you. Either way, figuring out your own feelings will help you make decisions about whatever happens ^^ I hope he's not a jerk, and I hope that you and him get together and hug lots! *huggles*
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Whoa give it a try kim, you never know it may tunr out to be great, but also may not be nothing at all, but with such things you have to take some sort of risk. So go for it
I'd say your 1/2 way there right now. You like each other so just trust what you believe and know and go with it.
... but if he turns out to be jerking you around, make sure you spread the blood far and thick.  (j/k)
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Some good advice so far... good luck Kim
Well No amount of advice I can give you can really advise you because every single relationship between people can be different. All I can say is be careful, trust yourself in what your doing.
Go with the flow, but in truth be careful. relationship can change after awhile, I listen to my fair share of break ups at work. Remember never to waste a opptunity, once losted never regained.....
Oh and one last piece of advice..... Don't uses edable underware again! XD
Oh and always uses protection, However I don't mean USMC Balistic proof Vests.
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Aww, that's so sweet XD
Well there's definately something special there, though I don't know you or him or your lives well enough to give you any advice... so I guess all I'm left with is what I would do... but I'm an idiot so XP
All I'll say is, good luck, I hope things turn out well for the both of you.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
4 December 2006, 10:56 AM
Hey right now i'm going nuts on a girl that I know. problem is...
I'm fraid to call T_T
4 December 2006, 11:56 AM
Scar da Kookee Wrote:Hey right now i'm going nuts on a girl that I know. problem is...
I'm fraid to call T_T
Ack! Long distance relationship!... well, you could always write a letter. It's easier to get the message across without making an idiot of yourself, at least that's been my personal experience. XP
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
w00t no sex relationship =P
Well Kim your story ^^ ahw
I havnt been in many relationships since the first one cause i choose not to anymore but i say make sure of your feelings and then go with the flow unless your more decisive then confront him about it.
Your past experiances with bad guys well they are guys what you expect XD anyway dont let it set you back to much go forth into the future =P
Scar da Kookee Wrote:Hey right now i'm going nuts on a girl that I know. problem is...
I'm fraid to call T_T
NORFUCK? Do you mean NORWAY?
You could always email her and ask her how she's doing.
Norfolk is a real place in England XD
Norfolk Vig US of A, Home of The Norfolk Naval Shipyard
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Ooh. Kookee's in wuuuv too! *_*
So, who else here is in wuv?
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
I, uh... i'm not. And I never will be again *shakes fist* down to hell with everyone!! *shakes fist*... no not really.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Ahw @ Lynk
All you need is a huggle... from Bloody GIR!!!!
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
I wasn't looking for sympathy XD it was just my way of saying, I'm not in the market for that kind of thing at the moment.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Did you really think Bloody GIR was offering sympathy?
ooh, in the market, like organs?
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Falcon_06 Wrote:NORFUCK? Do you mean NORWAY?
You could always email her and ask her how she's doing.
No, Norfolk Virgina.
I'm stuck in Virgina, and she's in Oregon.
and for those whom dont know the geological-whatever of the U.S.,...
both are on opposite sides of the country.
as for email. dont know her's. but i got like three of her numbers X.x
Kiai, why don't you take a chance on it? It seems like something you both want. Yes, it may not work out, but that is the way with any relationship. If you don't do anything and pass it up, you will regret it later.
I'd say jump.
Kim, there really isn't much advice to give for something like that.
Just be careful, take a deep breath and take the plunge. And if it doesn't work out, you tried it, and then you won't regret missing it.
Thanks everybody, I appreciate your help on this. So far we havn't really talked to each other, and there's this air of awkwardness around us. It's kind of painful, but we havn't really had time away from work these last few days. I'm hating myself for not being able to talk to him, but relationships in the workplace especially this workplace are forbidden.
5 December 2006, 11:50 AM
Kiai Wrote:Thanks everybody, I appreciate your help on this. So far we havn't really talked to each other, and there's this air of awkwardness around us. It's kind of painful, but we havn't really had time away from work these last few days. I'm hating myself for not being able to talk to him, but relationships in the workplace especially this workplace are forbidden.
Sounds like you are finding another reason to get another place of employment to me. ^_-
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Im with Lynk =P
@Kim You coulda said about the workplace thing earlier XD
If you want a relationship and your work dosnt allow it damn you barrior XD
The workplace thing makes it vewy compwicated... >.<
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Kyubi you have no idea what Complicated is like in the USMC workplace......
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
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I'm sure she doesn't, but you didn't have to make her look stupid or something, jeez.
@ chim: Nope, we're very different in our views.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Well i ment with the not in the mood for love mite not be same reasons though XD
It just sucks because whenever we want to say something to eachother there's always another reason brought up as to why we shouldn't be together. Odds are definitely against there being even the slightest thought of "US."
5 December 2006, 10:11 PM
Guess this is gonna end up being a test of character then, Kim.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
6 December 2006, 12:49 AM
I think your right. In fact, I think I've made a decision. I'm not a quitter, I've never ever ever thought in that type of mindset before. A defeatest I am not.
I'm gonna take him out on a date... I'm gonna do it.
Well, if that's what you want to do, then do it.
Take the perogative! Carp Diem! And all the other stuff like that.
No, you're not a quitter... but perhaps patience and subtlty are the answer. Being great friends is just as good as being a couple... and in turn, a good couple has a good friendship to support their relationship. You should think about that... it's not a defeat, it's just building the foundations.
... or maybe I should shut up or something. I dunno, whenever people are in need I always end up saying stuff without thinking and then having them tell me that I helped them out a lot when all I did was just prattle off a bunch of stuff I forgot the second I said whatever it is I said...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
Kiai Wrote:I think your right. In fact, I think I've made a decision. I'm not a quitter, I've never ever ever thought in that type of mindset before. A defeatest I am not.
I'm gonna take him out on a date... I'm gonna do it.
Hehe. Just be careful and don't break him on the first date.
On a more serious note, just how much longer do you have in the military anyway? (i.e., how long would you have to 'hide' a relationship from Uncle Sam?)
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
Kiai Wrote:I think your right. In fact, I think I've made a decision. I'm not a quitter, I've never ever ever thought in that type of mindset before. A defeatest I am not.
I'm gonna take him out on a date... I'm gonna do it.
you go girl!
Omg i just had this idea randomly XD
You could have a double sided strap on so you can have anal sex with 2 people simultaniously without much effort since the back movement and front movement is just basicly inverted for the other person XD
Edit: You could have a triple one to so you have one going inside you at same time =P
*Goes to find out if it already exists.*
@ Chim: Nope, still no similarities, at all.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
6 December 2006, 10:09 AM
What are you talking about XD
No similarities well im me and you are you =P
Somehow Imanaged to get away from my shop long enough to drag him into a corner. I confronted him right there. I suppose I was getting pissed off at the fact that he initiated contact and then just sat on it.Well, whatever, HE'S MINE NOW!
Lol. Seriously though we've totally got a romp through hiroshima together this weekend. I can't wait... Thanks to all who wrotein with their help. I find it comforting when I can go somewhere and people will actually listen instead of nodding heads.
@Analog: I've got a year left (was four years, but due to this mos an extra year is accrued for training and real on the job training) though I still don't know if I'm getting out or not. I love my job, but I don't think I can take this breathe down your neck stuff anymore.
Great news Kim =)
Does he like bondage?