21 November 2006, 5:27 AM
Now I is playing...
F.E.A.R First Encounter Assult Recon... Fucking stupid name if you ask me...
Call of Duty 3...
Both on the 360!
21 November 2006, 6:13 AM
Counterstrike Source on Value PC... time to Pwn some Ass...
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
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21 November 2006, 8:06 AM
Chimasterwang Wrote:Just wait by the port and get one  Indeed. I've called all the stores and they all basically tell me "we don't know when we're getting them until they show up here." So I'm probably just gonna be calling like every day
21 November 2006, 9:41 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:If you had any sense all you'd be playing is Twilight Princess
I guess I don't have any sense, since I don't really care for Zelda.  I may keep it or I may sell it.
21 November 2006, 9:43 AM
You've read it! You can't unread it!
21 November 2006, 9:45 AM
Omg Ray! Zelda is great XD
I played Majora's Mask the other day, Lol @ Oni-Links power XD
21 November 2006, 9:47 AM
Ray Wrote:I guess I don't have any sense, since I don't really care for Zelda. I may keep it or I may sell it. Do you mean Zelda in general, or the game Twilight Princess?
Either way, I agree with Lynk
21 November 2006, 9:49 AM
Zelda: aLttP was good for me 
then OoT was great too
i really need to get a copy of wind waker. heard mixed reviews about it, although it does look fun to play
21 November 2006, 10:13 AM
Moelman Wrote:Do you mean Zelda in general, or the game Twilight Princess?
Zelda in general. I could never get interested in it when I played it on the N64 and SNES.
21 November 2006, 11:18 AM
Are you more a fps type person?
21 November 2006, 1:04 PM
Chimasterwang Wrote:Are you more a fps type person?
Though, i think all keep Zelda: TP and give it a try.
21 November 2006, 1:50 PM
I just found an English copy of Fire Emblem 6: The Sword of Seals, so I've been playing that for a while. It's crazy.
22 November 2006, 2:13 AM
I know what this Jackass ain't playing
Anyway I'm replaying every Zelda, Metroid and Mario game I have just cos I can.
While All Answers Are Replies, Not All Replies Are Answers
22 November 2006, 3:12 AM
Well someone was probibly gonna do it people have done it to other consoles and handhelds XD
22 November 2006, 10:16 PM
GabeXorn Wrote:I know what this Jackass ain't playing
Anyway I'm replaying every Zelda, Metroid and Mario game I have just cos I can. Yes, what's more pathetic would be people are funding them. Let's see them purchase the console, then smash it. Obviously, they won't do that, since they won't smash a PS3, Wii or X-box 360 if they earned the money and bought it.
22 November 2006, 11:30 PM
Later today i might play Zelda: OoT Master Quest because i havnt realy played that one at all and it mite be fun =P
23 November 2006, 10:40 AM
I am now playing some Red Steel. Which so far, it's okay.
25 November 2006, 12:06 AM
Well i still havnt played Master Quest but ive been playing Majora's Mask a bit latly =P
Does anyone know whats wrong with Ray XD
25 November 2006, 6:02 AM
I am now playing the sequel to the greatest MMORPG EVAR!!!
Phantasy Star Universe!
25 November 2006, 4:13 PM
Chimasterwang Wrote:Does anyone know whats wrong with Ray XD
Ray Wrote:I am now playing some Red Steel. Which so far, it's awesome!
27 November 2006, 9:14 AM
Wii: Zelda: Twilight Princess
PC: WoW occasionally.
27 November 2006, 4:59 PM
I finaly got round to playing Master Quest XD
Its not realy hard since im just at the start but whats gonna happen when i get to the water temple XD
27 November 2006, 7:33 PM
lol, the irony with the Master Quest Water Temple is that it's not as annoying as the original version XD
You've read it! You can't unread it!
28 November 2006, 5:46 AM
Lynk Former Wrote:lol, the irony with the Master Quest Water Temple is that it's not as annoying as the original version XD
I hated the water temple...
I could never remember how to do it, so always had to find a walkthrough!
11 February 2007, 10:50 PM
I'm currently playing Rogue Galaxy. A game by Level 5, who developed DQ8 and Dark Cloud. Not the greatest game, but worth a chance. Might become repetitive down the road, but I'm finding myself interested and I'm around the end of the game.
I might play another game, like FFXII, after, but not sure what I'll do.
11 February 2007, 11:00 PM
At the moment I've been playing plenty of Wii and plenty of GameCube... on Wii lol.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
12 February 2007, 1:30 AM
Heroes of might and Magic V.
its new and it has the higher power graphics of today, but it's plays EXACTLY like the orignal! shaweet!
12 February 2007, 11:32 AM
If im going to play anything its probibly going to be Twilight Princess and trying to 100% it XD
13 February 2007, 12:19 AM
playing wow more now since i completed zelda TP
13 February 2007, 9:41 AM
I caught quite a few fish and a sinking lure 
I caught a Hylian Loach XD
Its was one of those 14 inch ones though XD
I was going around Hyrule looking for holes =P
When does ROALGOOAAAL! stop getting a lowered time limit XD
13 February 2007, 9:52 AM
I've been playing a lot of WoW recently. I need some more Wii games, I don't have any VC games and I only have Zelda. I might get Wario ware and I definitely want Mario Kart 64.
13 February 2007, 10:51 AM
Get Super Metroid XD
13 February 2007, 1:31 PM
Right now, I am playing...YOUR MOM OHHHHHHHH
Actually I'm playing Warcraft III atm.
14 February 2007, 10:15 AM
Well, for the Wii, I am still playing the mediocre game of Red Steel, that I foolishly purchased almost immediately after the Wii. I can't seem to beat it. And I am only 63% through the game. It may just be me, but the sword combat wasn't done very well by the publishers.
Otherwise, I've played Mario Kart 64 on the Wii since my friends purchased it from the Virtual Console. The game is still pretty sweet in my opinion.
And I've been playin' Knights of the Old Republic too. Fun game.
14 February 2007, 10:16 AM
Damn, if only Trauma Center: Second Opinion would come out down here, then I'd be playing that. I'm trying to work out if I should buy the DS version at the moment...
You've read it! You can't unread it!
14 February 2007, 5:19 PM
Well when was the last time you bought a DS game
17 February 2007, 12:25 PM
The last DS game I bought was Yoshi's Island DS... but Hotel Dusk is coming out in less than a week and then Phoenix Wright is finally coming out down here in early March so I'll be happily playing those  There are other DS games I really need to buy.
You've read it! You can't unread it!
19 February 2007, 1:36 AM
Recently finished CoD 3, as well as playing a bit of Farcry
"That's just as stupid as what you said was stupid." - Lynk Former
"Temporal Mechanics are a damn pain in the Ass!!" - Jack O'Neill (SG1)
19 February 2007, 8:45 AM
You've read it! You can't unread it!
19 February 2007, 8:53 AM
I'm currently playing Monster Hunter:Freedom and Twisted Metal:Head-on in the PSP... Barrels of laughs...
1) Are we really who we think we are?
2) Is time really constant?
3) Is death really the end?
4) Can I kill you?
"Observe, the darling sweetness..."