Ah, it's such a pleasure having our old friend return, get banned again and then complain about it on
his livejournal...
Quote:On a sour note and kinda of a sore spot, I attempted to try to give another go.
This time I just registered my regular old name Det.LeonMcnichols and gave my icq and yahoo in regsitering. But damn if I didn't get banned again and again some lame excuse of "Well I did for old time sake. We like ot keep it as if we didn't redo the forums." But the way a few people are making it look like I actually was trying to hide and conceal who I was. Even used the Leon Model AV but it wasn't like Ohhh gotta be sneaky sneaky. O0;
Maverick seemed oh so smug and happy to have helped getting the bann enforced. Lynk said he had searched and used google to find my email and confirm I was who I appeared to be. But I used the private mail so I really don't think that was the case at all. But I'll let him let them believe what they want.
I made no comments to say anything rude or agumentive. Didn't start any fights, but they still seem to see me as some type of threat to go as far as banning me again and be smug about. So, ok I'm banned from with no reason and an indefinite time period as the sign as I saw this morning. Just goes to show you some people can't or/and in rare cases deserve a 2nd chance or a fair shake.
Oh, but don't go over there and post in his livejournal, don't bother with him.
But I would like to say this, if he wasn't hiding, why didn't he just come out and say "I'm that guy who got banned, yes I have come back, but I hope that you will give me a second chance this time around, etc..." And while he feels sour about it, I haven't rebanned every former-banned member who has returned to this place. Second chances were given and I was happy to do so. But with him, it was different. Like I said, he made threats, and I won't forget that about him.
But just so everyone can see how I did it... let me show you how it was done since he doesn't believe it can be done.
- First you go into his profile and you see that his email is Now open up google and search for it.
- You will get one result which is this: - Now search for the mail address on that page and you will find another mail address:
- Again, use google with the new mail address. The third site will have the information for us to proceed on our little quest. Here:
- And bingo-bango, on that site you search for the last mail address and right next to it you see another mail address:
- From there it was simple. First of all, that was the mail address he used last time to join this place. I have it in the banned mail list. This email also led me to his site, and to his livejournal.
And of course I really didn't have to go all that way, but it was kinda fun
So to all those who are a part of this forum who got a second chance, be thankful that you weren't this guy.