after lurking for a week or so, I've decided to join
If you cant tell, Ghost in the shell is my fav anime ever
my real name is Chris, and it looks like i'm one of the few people here that are in the US.
Hey, that looks like it hurt. Welcome to the forums. *waves* Post up in front of your computer and post on the board.
oh it hurt, the worst was when it was being done over the collarbone
god you're crazy.........WELCOME ABOARD! *shakes Laughing Man's hand furiously*
Military Intelligence are two contradictory words
I am crazy, I saw it in theaters here back in I think 95 and I went and saw it like 10 times and was like "this is the greatest thing ever" the only thing that sucks is I dont speak Japanese so I had to wait for everything to come state side. I hope we dont have to wait 2 years like they did in japan for SSS
Guess he'll fit right in here with the rest of us... Tally ho then.....
I am a Member, Not a Number!!!
Hey Man of Laugh! Welcome to this sanity-less site! There's a few of us Amereekahns here on the site, but its cool to talk anime around the world. I think we've got every continent covered except Antartica and Africa :P
Yeah, I hope we don't have to wait too long for SSS, but I have a feeling it'll be about a six month delay if that.
Improving Engineering daily through the incorporation of Meta Advanced Anime Physics Studies.
Impossible is Nothing to an Anime Engineer!
MUAHAHAHAHAHA! YOUR BARE CHESTED NESS-ESSED-OSSITTY-ESS.... NESS... EXCITES ME TO NO END! BOW DOWN TO ME SLAVE AND WORSHIP THE VERY MATTER AT WHICH THE GROUND ON WHICH I'M STANDING IS COMPRISED OF! Local bondage queen and (after another three years of loyal military service) mercenary for hire, I'll fulfill your every want and desire--if that want and desire covers you submitting to my every threat on a whim... BUT ENOUGH OF THE PLEASENTRIES... Welcome, I am Kimberly Chang, known here as Kiai. I am a united states Marine, and (at present) work on the fa-18 C lot 14 hornet. Feel like letting me do you now? (Hey, all guys try that I'm a pilot shit on me, why can't I blurb a little) How about a few drinks, maybe a shot of teq? No? Well, I just wanted to give you the option. You'll fall into that category of men that I've taken the anal virginity of, I just know it.
Beware the others who post on this forum, they are not as timid and easygoing as I.
Yo, have fun being Kiai's slave.
Either that, or run away very quickly.
GITS! ^^ Whoo-ooh!
Welcome and have a cookie.
~ You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. ~
Nekkidness! w00t!
naked on the internet, is there any other way to surf?
animated tattoos would be awesome, the the word ring would spin and that would be bad ass
and i'm not totaly naked in the pic, i was wearing shorts