18 March 2006, 10:13 PM
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates this month, we've all been kind of busy lately. In any case since Darky isn't around at the moment I've posted up the [link=http://www.thecrisiscenter.net/database/music/anime/c/chobits/charactersongcollection/]Chobits Character Song Collection[/link], [link=http://www.thecrisiscenter.net/database/music/anime/f/fatestaynight/disillusion/]Fate/Stay Night Disillusion Single[/link] and [link=http://www.thecrisiscenter.net/database/music/anime/l/]Lunar Legend Tsukihime[/link] CD information pages for him. Also I have restructured the wallpaper directory so if anyone runs into any problems while finding this site through google, sorry about that.
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